W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Love & Friend.
Friday, September 25, 2009 AT 9:10:00 PM ★
Love. ♥
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person
Define love. I ask myself this question alot of times. I have tried so many ways to search for the answer but I can't find it till the moment I met my 1st love. I thought he will be the one leading me to know what does this word means. But love for me didn't work, it didn't end with forever yet end within months. He broke my fragile heart into pieces, which spoil my entire secondary 2. Then, I thought I have moved on. I tried finding so many guys to forget the pain & indeed I found one. Which is my fifth lover. Just when I thought things are going so smooth and pretty, I was wrong. We are not meant to be. We ended when I thought this is just the beginning. Well, we are young as I know. Life didn't got well until I found another guy. A guy who I have decided to give it a try. I guess this time, I truly found the right guy. He is the guy that I have decided to love me always. <3 Therefore, I realized how much this guy have changed me. He taught me how to be a better person, of course. I must say, he taught me so many different things & I am definitely happy. Honoured to have him, glad to have him. He is the best, I know. How much feelings can I express to this special guy? Well, people say that love isn't forever, but I want to create a forever with him. Because he is my everything and my nothing. He is the reason of my life now. I guess without him, I wouldn't be standing here. Well, words are just so hard to express those deep felt feelings from me to him. So many feelings are filling me, and I know he is always on my mind. That guy who can catch my heart so easily. So therefore, just a short sentence for him, "I l♥ve you, Boyf" (:

Friend. ♥
A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts
Sometimes, I wonder what does this word truly mean. This word seemed so easy to explain, easy to say but simply just so hard to be in the real world. So many faces are in this world, until this word doesn't seemed to truly exist. I must say, I guess maybe have to blame me. I ain't a good friend which therefore leads to me not having good friend. I feel so useless, so suckish. Everytime when I took the train alone home, I ask myself alot about that word. I must say that, honestly I trust this word alot. Whoever I treat as a friend, therefore that person will totally befriend by me. I have been thinking deeply in my thoughts, on who is my true friend. I am really clueless. I don't know how, don't understand why. Well, I have a friend once, I loved her more than anything. Both of us were just best of friends, including she is my everything. Well, we have gone through many times together as best of friends. We have many ups & downs, but eventually we patched up and got together. Together, we are best of friends once again. Deep in my heart and soul, I am glad we are back together. Back together as what we always are. Sincerely, I thank God for bringing her back to me. But, I still wonder why do good things come to an end? In the end, we had a conflict & I don't know why. I really don't know how to ammend this entire friendshsip, but I guess there is a part of me I have her. Will always have her. Now and forever, I have her. I want to be back with her, but whatever it is, I must say "This years with you is everything to me. You can always msg me cos I am a number away. Whatever happens in our lil bits & pieces of our life, I will always have you. I am here for you and your sis now and always." I lve you. <3 Will I ever deserve of being loved and to love anyone?

