W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
I learnt my mistake.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009 AT 11:59:00 PM ★

You're My Everything Inclusive Of My Boyf/Teacher/Best Friend/Baby/Friend/Father/Brother
Being together is all about being to fight all the obstacles that comes along the way and whether you cherish this relationship or not. A relationship isn't all about just a boy and a girl being together then live happily ever after. Coming into this real world, everything is predestined. Whether you last or not, it is all up to both parties. Well, real world is definitely cruel. You think you may last but before you can actually start a love story, the love story already ended. But when things are so not what you expect, the love story is actually a happy ending as you walk along with your love. It is definitely not easy to maintain a relationship with the one you love because there are certainly many disagreements along the way causing hurts in a relationship. Whether you can conquer it or not, it is all up to you and the one you love. Well, real world is never easy to live with the one you love deeply. Because, everlasting is just a word. Whether it did last till forever or not, still have to see fate. In the reel world, everything is so perfect and sweet but reel world and real world are definitely two completely different world. Well, for a man and woman to be together and understand each other instead of fighting non stop whenever they are together, alot of things has to be done.

Television always loves saying that "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. How can two different world bond together?" It is definitely not easy, you know? Men and Women have their different personality to show to others. Well, one might be so simple, the other might be so complex. Sometimes when I am on my way home from the MRT, I will ask myself how can I change myself to be a better girlfriend for my boyfriend. Of course, giving in is not an easy task. But normally what I noticed, in this world, there are definitely alot of personality. For me, maybe I am more of the giving in and listening to my Boyfriend cos this is me. Guess this is why we can maintain this relationship this long. Maybe its not long. Well, I have many different ex boyfriends but I guess he is the only guy that made me able to understand in a relationship. I finally realized how simple men are.

For example, food is just something to fill men's stomach. As for women, we will be so picky about the ambience, the feeling, the atmosphere and all the romantic feelings ever. Another example is men loves watching any kind of movies except those boring kinds. Then women loves to watch those romantic ones and will keep grumbling no matter how the guy say no. As you can say, many quarrels and conflicts can happen in the midst causing unhappiness between both. In order to balance it well, men and women must have a mutual understanding between each other instead of picking a fight. How irrating, isn't it? One more is, Men can be really hard to say sweet loving words but easier in SMS compared to Women who can say them so daring face to face. Men and Women must learnt to well balance to be able to last a relationship. Not easy but there is no harm trying.

Well, in a relationship many different problems can be encountered unknowingly. Whether its able to be resolved or not, it is once again up to both man and woman. Well today I have a heated argurment with my Boyfriend. My boyfriend is the type of man who is pretty much sensitive to his closed ones' reaction especially me. As long as he sense a kind of boring, negative attitude or anything bad, he will be all pissed off and angry. He will start ticking off and be super duper angry. Well I made him angry today due to me. Because of me neglecting him and being unable to stay still, I pissed him off. Although I think my ways, he think his ways, I realized how much I was wrong more than him. Well, I guess between me and him, we have that strong understanding between each other which made us able to cool down less than an hour. He definitely is willing to calm down and I am willing to calm down and we are back to normal. In fact, to be honest, my relationship with my Boyfriend is pretty strange. Both me and him are completely two different world because he is rather simple while I love things that comes in pair. He is more of a old fashioned in love, but I am more of a want flowers, like those typical girls. Well, I don't deny we have quarrels sometimes cos I am abit demanding cos I am still a typical girl who want flowers and things that can make me smile like stuffed animals. Well, towards my Boyfriend, he say I am strange cos sometimes I am really hard to understand. Maybe that's why he loves me so dearly? I have no idea.

After thinking so much through the MRT, I know I want this love to last and I will learn to be a better Girlfriend for him. So he won't bleed so much. Cos sometimes I can a sickening bitch then he can also be a sickening bastard but at the end of the day, the bitch and the bastard will always be back to pair of lovebirds. Well, love happens in ways that are hard to comprehend. Whether I am able to last this love with my Boyfriend, I think it is up to Fate. God has chosen this guy after so many dozens of heartbreaks, I guess God wants me to learn lessons through him. I won't disappoint you, Daddy God <3. Because I have indeed fallen in love with my Boyfriend. And I don't wish to give up or what cos we are deeply in love. Well, nothing in this world is impossible yet I am going to make this love last as long as I live. <3 Lastly, I wanna type something for my Boyfriend aka the one I love.

I am dearly sorry for today. I promise you I will change, okays? (:
I know what happen today is my fault due to my neglection of you and being in my own virtual world. I am so sorry for everything happen today. I am at fault. So sorry ): Do forgive me, okayys? I am feeling so happy cos we got our couple bears together <3 Although I paid for it, and you just paid $2 :X hahaha but you made my day. Sorry to ruin your day again. Last but not least, I love you always.

The bottomline for today's post is
What's Meant To Be, Will Be Yours
What's Not Meant To Be, Will Not Be Yours Eventually

