W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Ignore if you don't bother
Thursday, October 29, 2009 AT 10:21:00 PM ★
I don't know what's wrong ): Seriously, it makes me go nuts everytime that happen! >< I am getting so fed up to hear of such affairs again. Yes, I am unhappy but does it have to make you unhappy too? I am already listening to you, please don't think so much, will you? Everytime you get so emotional, I am LOST! I am trying to coax you no matter what. Yes I know you're grown up, but you seriously makes me worry what is happening ): Stop being like that, I don't know how to stop you! Cos I hate whenever such things occur, it makes me feel alot of shit. Makes me feel I am so terrible to the extend of not listening to you. No matter what, I have emotions, but I still choose you over everything. I've forsaken everything already for you. Yes, they got nothing to you, but I love them ): But for you, I lied and forsaken them. I don't regret. But know what is running in me, will you? Stop being all weird, cos I know if you are feeling weird, I feel it too ): I want to happily spend with you, not unhappily D: I love you and accept you for who you are. I don't wish to pick a fight. I want to understand you, but it seemed that you're so unhappy till I don't know what to do? Oh my god, Danielle is a sucker! >< Complete idiot. I should buy a dummy book for myself so that this won't happen! Seriously, I am feeling hopeless. What can I do manzxzx? Just to see you in smiles? What can I exchange to see that smile instead of all this? ): Stop having rubbish things happening to us. I don't want to see you in frowns ): Everytime you feel petty, sensitive, I understand and I give in. Will you do the same for me? I am feeling nothing but a piece of thrash. Make this thrash a diamond, will you? ): I don't wish to have nothing, cos I just wanna have you. THAT'S ALL I ASK FOR! ): I love you, regardless what.

AHHHHH whatever! :/ Having blues! Although I am feeling f***ing blues, I am happy to say that I've recovered! Well, symptoms are there but certainly not as bad as Sat. Hokey Pokey, I am so weird. I think I am the WEIRD one! ><||| Oh whatever sh!t, well tomorrow is FRIDAY. I hope it is going to be a good Friday. I don't want Friday the 13th, fuck that day! Nothing but alot of thrash! Oh whatever -.- I am just grumbling!!! LET ME GRUMBLE, PEOPLE! Oh whatever, I did nothing special yet succeed-ed in my hands on today with Sean & Celia!!!! {: YAY-ness! Oh whatever. I sounded sooo FUCKING FAKE. Bloody hell, fuck me someone! >< I hate that feeling inside me, HATE IT TO THE MAX! Oh shut up. :/ I think I am talking nuts to myself. I don't feel a glimpse of happiness inside me now. Blogging didn't did its usual ways to cure me, instead it make me cry more ): Internal bleeding already -.- oh fucking shit. I am being S-T-U-P-I-D. So ignore me. Everyone, just ignore me. AHGIRL couldn't cure me, no one can ): Oh shit, gaygaygaygay! I NEED A FUCKING REMEDY, SOMEONE! Tonight is going to be a sleepless night, cos I know my mind is not in a good condition )': I feel so hopeless. I thought I will smile after changing BLOGSKIN, but no I AM NOT! I am feeling sad-is-tic! THAT'S THE WORD, uh huh uh huh. OH SHIT, I am talking SHIT! I need the remedy, or else I shall just die manxzxzxz!
DANIELLE IS PIECE OF BULL COW CRAP! I am such a irrating pest. Shall not post, bye!


