W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Thank you for everything
Tuesday, October 06, 2009 AT 8:28:00 PM ★
Our Fates Are Sealed The Moment We Belong Together
Aloha Blogger !!
In for a post that I know I wanna blog about it {: Well, simple & quick post onlyy. So no worries, uh? Hmm, yesterday that post is pretty random-sified. Today, I had a superb day and it is well spent with Baby♥ <33. LOL, he seemed to be the only friend/boyf/soulmate and whatever you can mention in my lil life. Well, I am EXTREMELY HAPPY cos Baby♥ did what he promised to do with me & my whole face is certainly filled with joyyys! Baby♥, I love you <3.

Today we headed down to Icing Room! ;] I think you seen me typing in my recent posts about how much I want to go there with Baby♥. & Today I had my chance! :] I am definitely HAPPY cos Baby♥ finally came down to Jurong Point 2 to go Icing Room with me ^.^ Well, I must say I really had some fun theree {: Although it was merely for like 15 mins, but I enjoyed myself there alot especially when Baby♥ is by my side. :D Well, I met Baby♥ at Jurong East around 11.30am. ;] Was late abit then saw him & off to Jurong Point ;DD Woooohooo! Finally Baby♥ is down at West Area and it is at the OTHER END. Ohmytian!! I am so happyyy x3. At first I wanted to bring Baby♥ over to Tailsman cos that was the place that I bought my veryy veryy chioo bag. Luvs my chiochio bag! :D How can you not luv my chiochio bag? ;D

Hmm, so happy to go down to Icing Room, it has been a WISH since 9th Monthsary with Baby♥. But due to upcoming exams, school, busy life and everything, both of us didn't have the time to come down Jurong Point to make {: Well, at last we get to do it as a early celebration for our 1st Yearsary. I am super happy cos Baby♥ didn't lie & spare the time to come down with me. Hmm, Baby♥'s designing is really niceee. ;] Baby♥ and I took pics too :D Hahahaha, we are certainly glad to have so much fun there. Hmm, was certainly really retarded when I look at the pics. Publishing them later after I edit-ed them. Erm, then we walk walk awhile before heading down to CCK to get handphone stuffs cos Baby♥ loves his beloved handphone. No choice, it is uber expensivee sia! After buying all the stuffs, Baby♥ came over to my house to fix my BLOODY DESKTOP. Thanks to my Lil Bro, Desktop crashed again but thankfully Baby♥ saved it! ;D He did the Desktop quite awhile cos got alot of things to download .__. After that, Baby♥ also help me with my lappie.

Surf too much blogs lerh! :x But thankfully, not as bad as my Desktop. Hmm, then Baby♥ went home around 5pm & probably we are meeting tomorrow again~ Cos OSIM's people is coming to fix his chair~~~! Oh well, appreciate alot that Baby♥ is so willing to come down todayy! No matter how tired am I, feeel super happy cos Baby♥ came down. Erm, by any chance, I saw Adela yesterdayyy! :] Ohya, TWO EVENTS JUST PASSED! So quickly sia!

The two events are...,
3rd Oct - 中秋节快乐

I know it is abit late, but I still send my blessings~
Oh ya, apart from all this. This October, certainly there are soo many birthdays and events sia. But no invitation, but I wish the following October babies, HAPPY BIRTHDAYY! x3. Okays, lemme name them accordinglyyy and those events~! Well, don't blame me from remembering!

October Babies & other events.
1st October ; Marc's 19th Birthday~ and Happy Children's Day
3rd October ; Mooncake's Festival/Chester's BBQ
5th October ; Start of Nlvls'2oo9 ; Good Luck all
7th October ; WangKOR's 19th Birthday~ and Start of PSLE
8th October ; Andy's 17th Birhtday~ and Outing with Baby♥.
12th October ; School reopen.
10th October ; 1st Yearsary with Baby♥
17th October ; Desmond's 16th Birthday~ and Zhenwen's 20th Birthday~
22nd October ; ViviSUNNV's 16th Birthday~ and Shiya's 17th Birthday~
23rd October ; DeniseQINAI derh's 17th Birthday~
26th October ; Start of Olvls'2oo9 ; Good Luck all

To the following October Babies, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!

Hmm, gave ALMOST all of the gifts to Baby♥ liao! ;] Guess he likes it! :DD So at the bottom, you can view pics for Icing Room. The cake is super delicious too, Vanilla Chiffon Cakee. YUM YUM! ;D Okays, got to go~ Enjoy seeing the pics~ <33 Pictures taken at Icing Room {:

At the Beginning while adding the flowers :3

I added all the colorful flowers ;]

LOOK! We are so serious in making a nice cake ;D

The final product!! ;DDD

Last but not least,
Happy First Yearsary in advance, Baby♥.

& Baby♥, I love you
Thank you for coming down specially for me
I am deeeply touched & happy
Cos you really came down to make with me
So many "thank you" is dedicated from me to you
You really didn't make me sad
Thank you for taking good care when I am ill
Thank you for almost everything in my life
Oh my Boy, I love you always <333

