W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
400 Days of Happiness & Still Counting On
Saturday, November 14, 2009 AT 12:00:00 AM ★

You Proven To Be The One & Only Man I Love So Much
14 November 2oo9
This date is officially 4oo days ever since we are together (:
Certainly, it has been a super long journey with you.
Baby♥, within this 4oo days
We have shed tears together,
We have held hands together firmly,
We have went to many different places together,
We have been standing there for each other,
We have been having bad times like quarreling, unhappiness,
We have gone through those happy moments together,
We have sung lovely song together,
We have never been giving up on each other,
We have simply made our love story a good and wondeful journey

Well, time has certainly play a big part for me & you
Nothing is gonna change my love for you
Within this 4oo days, being with you enough is perfect
Baby♥, I love you <3 I know I have been saying that since forever
But, I have to say it all over again
Everytime you smile, I will smile with you
Everytime you frown, I will frown with you
Everytime you feel something, I will feel along with you.
To be honest, to be a loving couple,
We have to go through so many things just to be what we are
I admit "I hate unhappiness within me & you"
No way I am going to let anything hurt this love,
Yet I am making to let this love last
Baby♥, Happy Four Hundred Days

Here's a Song for you, my Baby♥ <3
& I ♥ You, Desmond Toh

P/S ; All the best for my competition with love x3

