W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Babyboy, Only You
Monday, November 30, 2009 AT 7:36:00 PM ★
Everyday is a new challenge for me & you. Whether we make it through or not, it all depends on us. This is the cruelty of love, but the best part is love is super beautiful too. No matter good or bad, I believe both of us can fight through everything & be fine. We have gone through so many things, I can't possibly give up on this love story that I have builded along with BabyBoy♥. It is seriously impossible to do so, cos I love him and I know he does love me. Love can be sweet & sour, it is always filled with so many different obstacles to obtain the final stage ; Happily Ever After ♥. Each step I make with my BabyBoy♥, I do not regret what I do and I believe he doesn't too. I am quite happy to have him in my life cos I know he bought more sunshines more than anyone. I know I love my BabyBoy♥ cos he is able to make me cry, make me smile, make me angry and all the different emotions you can think of. Although he has an attitude that is so sickening sometimes, I still love him as that's the power of love. For the past week, I've been struggling badly over the thoughts of why BabyBoy♥ and I are facing such crisis. But eventually, I finally out the reason why are things become like that.

The answer is nonetheless both of us are seriously madly in love with each other till we don't know how to express those loves. This week is going to be a bad week for both of us, but I guess I can't possible give up any moment. BabyBoy♥ has been the guy who loves me so much till he wouldn't admit a single thing. I don't know why, but I know both of us are deeply attached with one another. The road maybe tough but we must endure through all this times. It is not easy, but I must face it with my BabyBoy♥. I admit tears kept streaming down whenever BabyBoy♥ gave me an attitude. But no matter how hard, I ain't giving up this relationship cos I love my BabyBoy♥. To finally reach the love I have for him is really not an easy task, both of us have gone through so many storms to be what we are now. Despite having storms ahead, nothing is gonna change my love for him cos he is all I ever wanted. Time has flown, & I have been blissfully attached to him for almost 14 monthsary already. It is impossible to not be with him, cos he has become a part of me. Without this piece of puzzle, my heart is not complete. That's how much he meant to me. Being in this journey of love with BabyBoy♥ taught me many things that I never know. Because no man has ever love me so much like he does. Emotions has been put to test being with BabyBoy♥. But I am just glad eventually things are back on track after a bad tiff. I don't enjoy having quarrels with BabyBoy♥, but this is how love works. It can be so hurtful, it can be so sweet, it can be dazzled with so many emotions. But no choice, this is how love works. I don't quite like, but I must admit I love being loved by BabyBoy♥. Cos he is so special, maybe one of a kind. The kind of Knight I always wanted. Well, many people thinks he is being crazy, and over protective. But I understand his plight, I know why my BabyBoy♥ behaves like this. Since that day he pour his heart to me and having all those heart to heart talks, I really appreciate BabyBoy♥. Because finally I know what's going on inside him.

To maintain this love story with BabyBoy♥ may not be an easy task, but I will always try ways to love him. He bring laughters to me, and brings almost everything of me. He is my Everything. I ain't lying, just really he is the everything in my heart. Both of us have bad characteristics, but that brings out the best of me & him. <3 Because I know we will be the loving couple we are. To reach such a lovely level requires alot of time. 1 year is short, so that's why I want to last really long with him. Many people may say saddening stuffs, but I ain't giving up on him any moment cos I love die him. Simple as that. Actions speak louder than words, so therefore only he knows how much I do love him as ever. Somehow I believe I am dependent on him, so attached to him. Time will prevail if we're meant to be or what. Because that's how love works, right? Words kept telling alot of emotions inside me, so that's why I am expressing all my hearts in this post. No matter how heavy the rain, the gorgeous rainbow will be out eventually. That sentence is always able to make me be positive and always cheerful. Not easy, but I must. That's the mightyness of love.

Oh well, I guess I must be writing alot but words kept coming in me non stop. Hopefully I will stop, really stop. But I miss my BabyBoy♥ so much. I miss almost his smiles, his laughter, his jokes and everything about him. I really hope as time goes by, we will be fine.. I do not dare to think any longer, I just let time tell me the answers. That's the only thing I can do. <3 God has been really great to give me a guy like BabyBoy♥. I always want a better guy and at last I receive it, so therefore I must cherish BabyBoy♥. No matter what it is, at least I am happily cherishing him. Maybe this is love? I have no idea, but that's my way of saying it. Sometimes I wish to tell you, I don't mind taking a bullet for you because I rather I die than you die. Because if I can die for you, I will be the happiest woman on earth. No matter what emotions BabyBoy♥ have, I want you to know "I will keep trying my best to make you smile". Cos when you smile, you brighten my day. You work in wonders, till I am madly in love with you <3 BabyBoy♥, I love you no matter what
I will stand you regardless rain or shine
Despite what happens, I will always be here
Sorry that this week alot of my time is gone
I promise I will give you my time back.. ):
I am really really sorry, cos of me, you are hurt
You're my One & Only, my Last Romance

