W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
I hate cash, make life miserable ):
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 AT 8:52:00 PM ★
F-U-C-K! I am kinda irrated with the word "SAVING $$", just to save we all have to scrimp so much & control so much on our spending. At this rate of Boyf♥ saving, it is making me damn pissed ): Just to save for my birthday, maintain that number, he is saving so much && I am worried la. Yes, how I wish I can find a job for Boyf♥ and me so that Boyf♥ won't be so poor thing ): Everytime see him saving, then he controlled himself so much. I feel sad sad, because I want Boyf♥ to be happily saving, yet he is like so stress up. Every single thing also have to BUDGET.

Wish to have a job that suited Boyf♥ and I so that we can do during the Dec holidayyys! Boyf♥ love the kind of MUST-DO-SOMETHING kind of job instead of those STAND-THERE-DO-NOTHING. ): Haiz, I tried finding already yet to no vaild none is available! >< Rawrrrr, my heart bleed whenever I see him save sooo much D: Wish that he could reach that amount, then he can relax abit. Seeing him like that, my heart bleeeds. D: Because I really want him to be HAPPY! Instead, he is like sooooo controlling every single cent till I don't know if he is for his own good. I want to see my Boyf♥ HAPPY! Not always being so emotional, stressed up due to THE FUCKING WORD ; CASH. Big fat problem, can :/ FARKER! ;/ AHHHH! Okays fine. I don't know why luh, but my Boyf♥ is just my main priority. ): Due to CASH, he become so weird, wet blanket? I admit I love the TEDDY BEAR at Taka, thought he will tell me he will buy for me yet he just told me "SO EXPENSIVE". RAWRRR, due to saving $$ he control so much luhhhh! I admit I am also saving $$ for myself but to Boyf♥'s rate, it is sooooo INSANE!

I want Boyf♥ to be happy!!!!! DDD: But he doesn't seemed to be happy when he save so much, he even admit to me that, he has become STINGY & SELFISH. DDD: I hate such things when it happens. Ever since don't know when, Boyf♥ stopped pampering me with soft toys, bring me out to eat desserts or food, say things and got no cash to do it ): All thanks to the FUCKING WORD ; MONEY! Wish to have something to stop this CRISIS. Boyf♥ is picky, but I just love him for who he is <3. AHHH ;/ I am definitely RANTING WHATEVER IS ON MY MIND NOW. Money is such a FAT PROBLEM. But I must face it happily, 我一定要和他一起坚持到底。 Hate fighting with Boyf♥ over trival matters ): So I rather be happy, be happy, be happy, be happy!!!! Main thing. Aiya, seriously that sucks so BIG FUCKING TIME! Cash/Money, I HATE YOU LOADS! ):

I must regain my smiles. I got so many things I want to do now ._. Well, thanks to 'I-AM-LACK-OF-CASH' unlike my sis, I MUST SAVE SAVE! & I am so fucking lack of cash, I can't do anything. >< I have many plans like...

  • I want to bring Boyf♥ to Singapore Zoo
  • I want to bring Boyf♥ to go Kbox and SING ALL DAY
  • I want to treat Boyf♥ eat STICKY CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM
  • I want cook Bento for Boyf♥
  • I want go SHOPPING for shoes & clothes
  • I want buy myself a CAMERA/MP4 Player{4GB} or what :/
  • I want go out with FRIENDS & spend happily!!
  • I want to do Manicure at Citibella for $6

  • I want to do so much things ): But it is totally CANNOT HAPPEN at all, thanks to CASH CASH CASH. All I can do now is, STUDY HARD FOR MY SOA & ENW, and simply do just that. FUCKING~ Whatever luh, I am sick of it. :/ Oh whatever ._. I think I am being so GRUMPY, cos Boyf♥ is so fed up abt cash!! :/ Sick liao luh, ): Hope to find a job suitable for Boyf♥ and I ): Rather than all this SHITTY thingy! :/ Oh well, let's not rant about that already. Oh well :/ SICKENING!!!

    Hmm, TODAY I NEVER GO SCH due to a Dialogue Session at MacPherson ITE (: Last min, gotta go down to Orchard with Boyf♥. Both of us had Tori Q for Dinner. :/ First time eating that ._. LOL, the M1 was so FUCKING slow :/ Then in the end, can't do anything ): SICKENING~ Then Boyf♥ and I ate there then off we go to Paya Lebar to MacPherson ITE. Geeehhh, 2 hrs of talk. Was the last one to ask a qns~ Rather attend class than hear those talks! ;D LOL, then come home already after the talk. Boyf♥ go back to school for another thingy, then it is my TURN to go home ((: Headed home early today, bought Kiwi Ice Blended for Briceyyy, Chocolate Oreo Ice Blended for myself & a Crystanteum Tea for Daddy. Yes, I did not say wrong, it is my DADDY. Actually, intended to give Mummy but I remember Daddy was coughing so gave it to him instead. He replied me 'THANK YOU'. Omigosh, was utterly surprised (: Heck care if he doesn't bother, just want him to take care lo. LOL! :/ I am strange ._. Instead of wanting him to make a move, might as well I do it? LOL! I've grown up ._. Okays past few days have been heading to school with Amanda (: & meeting up my TWO BELOVED 'SISTERS'. They are cute. ;D Finally I bought my always wanted candy on Monday? ;] Happy about it~ Hmm, time flies~ I am going off alreadyyy~

    I gotta read my Compeition this Sat~ ;D

    & How I wish I have loads of money with Boyf♥
    Then we won't be stressed up about saving
    Money seriously do makes the world go round
    Nothing but BIG FAT PROBLEM.
    Oh well, be positive~
    Things will definitely be fine (:

    P/S ; Boyf♥ I love you <3 P/S/S ; Am I ugly? ;/

