W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
A Million "I love you" Is Never Enough
Sunday, November 15, 2009 AT 1:25:00 AM ★
Shall give a REALLY REALLY short post then off I go (: Hmm, had Robocode Compeition today :D YAY-ness, won 4th prize with Babylove♥. Honoured, okays! Hahaha, Babylove♥ and I almost won, but the opposition was pretty pro too. But overall, I enjoy myself alot (: Hmm, good good experience. Well, my day was started so early today. Woke up at 5.45am, cos Daddy called me wake up. After that, must leave house by 6.30am, then trained down to Simei MRT. Hmm, Babylove♥ was late! xD so I went off to Cheeers to buy Babylove♥ something, but in the end got a scolding from him :( Cos I forgot to inform Babylove♥ that I am going Cheers but never mind. Well, first time on a Sat I wake up so early! Wanted to laze around ._. but this compeition is IMPORTANT. Hmm, met up with Babylove♥, Matthew & Ray then Babylove♥ and I had Nasi Lemak for breakfast. After that, Babylove♥ bought drinks then off to wait for Mr Amos.

Hehehehe, Mr Amos was LATE so therefore waited for awhile then he drove us all to Ngee Ann Poly. Geehh, been ages since I come Ngee Ann Poly. The last time was with JonBRO :] Those memories with JonBRO makes me reminded of so many things ♥. Gosh, I miss him )': Bet he misses me too :P LOL, then we reached there quite early then Mr Amos drove us to SIM University to drink tea with Mr Hon, Ms Prethi, & all of us. ;D Well, drank tea & facebook-ed awhile then off to the Briefing Session. What the heck lah, we are like ALMOST THE LAST to reach but thankfully the other groups from our ITE were later than us :P LOL, Babylove♥ and I were disturbing the name of the Guest of Honor ; Mr Saw. We were reminded of the movie ; SAW VI Babylove♥ didn't know till I told him ._.

He is just so CUTE :P Hehehe. Then, we had another Tea Reception. Seriously prefer having Buffet at Simei ITE, instead of other places. Enjoyed our meal, then Compeition commences. So suay!! Babylove♥ and I were to fight with Matthew & Ray ._. Mr Amos and us were totally wth? Cos we didn't expected it ._. Hmm, after that Babylove♥ and I managed to go Semi Finals (: Then, wait wait wait~~~! ;D Soon later, it is the SEMI FINALS!! Babylove♥ and I were to fight against the other 2 groups, also from Simei ITE :P We didn't manage to win, but we are sooo pro ^^ Almost won, but lost in the end. But seriously, good good experience ^.^ Enjoyed myself with Babylove♥. In the end, the final winner is NANYANG POLYY ;D Congrats! :) Well, then after that the whole compeition come to an end. Babylove♥ and I won a speakers each (: Happy!!! ;D

Hmm, then about 1.30pm we left Ngee Ann Poly then back to Simei MRT.
Thank you Mr Amos ;D
Then, inside the car we were all talking about "we should have won (:". My eyes were going to shut, but ya :/ Erm, then enjoyed the whole event. Went over to Babylove♥'s house, then I dozed off for about 3 hrs. I am so sorry, Babylove♥ ): Shouldn't have slept soo much )': Was so tired today~ Hmm, Babylove♥ was abit insane by scolding me pretty much. But glad its over. ((: Had dinner, Babylove♥ and I had some heart to heart talk, loved having that with Babylove♥. LOL, ytd I just cried at Babylove♥'s arms cos I have been controlling like hell :/ Okays -.- Ask then I tell you :D Hmm, time pass so fast. But I know I enjoyed talking to Babylove♥ that kind of conversation~ Lol. Okays, then came home around 10.30pm. All I know is, "I am contented I have this experience. Whether mom or dad care or not, I am happy!!". But most importantly,
Thank you Babylove♥ for giving me this opporunity
Without you, I wouldn't know all this (:

Sorries peepo, no pictures! ):
But I only took the prize, might publish only

& Babylove♥, thank you
I really hope we have less quarrels and conflicts
I want to last long with you, not fight always with you
You're all I ever truly loved <333 My love belongs to you, please note that. Hamtaro Pictures, Images and Photos
Happy 16th Birthday, Siyi aka Hammy!!!!
P/S ; Short post become long post -___-

