W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Motivate to get GOOD GRADES for myself
Sunday, November 01, 2009 AT 9:26:00 PM ★
Your Kiss Is Always Able To Smitten Me With Dozens Of Smiles Unknowingly
YAY-ness to Danielle aka XiaoXing!! Hehehe why did I say that? It is because my period has visited me yesterday & of course, I am feeling so happy!! Been anticipated for a visit by my Period & alas it is hereee (: So its a YAY-ness for me! Hahahaha :] Well, been having cramps but its like a soooo C-O-M-M-O-N thing to me & I am pretty much fine with it lo. (: See, I am just that easily satisified! Hahaha so Boyf♥ must tell himself that "he is lucky to find a girl like me :P". LOL! Hmm, I am pretty much being lame right now ._. Well, didn't know my blog can be lovely :x Just found out through another Nuffnang lady, her tag wrote that my blog is eye catchy & nice. *Blushes*

Well, today did some cleaning of my bedroom & now I have so many spaces!! :D Totally glad I heed Boyf♥'s advice. Now I have more space to S-L-E-E-P ;DDD hahahaha. Well, today Boyf♥ asked me a question. That question left me thinking almost the whole afternoon before I went to nap. Somewhat, I got myself an answer before I go to bed. Boyf♥ asked me WHAT IS MY GOAL?. Now in this blog, I shall give him an answer (:

The Answer to Boyf♥'s question
Ans : When I was young, I always wanna be a Teacher. But it seemed that hopes are dashed when I couldn't move on & when my result die until very badly. My goal have changed already. Since I am inside BIS course, I thought of maybe completing this course and maybe get a Professional Cert or study POLY about this course or go outside working society to start working. But I will decide probably after completing ITE. I must say, I thought of studying this finish, go private to take other subjects? But I don't know if its possible. If it is impossible, I will only work my very best in BIS course and maybe start earning money & start a family (: Well, I know it is going to be tough for this 2 years in ITE. & I will endure till the end cos at least you are there for me, guiding me in my education (: Well, for now I am going to work hard for my future no matter how suckish my family background is. I won't let you down, Boyf♥. <3

Well, I must admit I am jealous of my sis cos she can study so hard & earn so much $$ from relatives & family. She got all the fame at home, she got all the loves in her friends. Yet I got nothing. But I must say, before I slept just now I realized I am not alone. I have the best Boyf♥ there for me, he is guiding me in my studies! Making sure that I don't give up & he has been there for me no matter what. He even willingly to lend me $$ if I don't have, he will care for me when I am sick & he will simply be there to shower me with dozens of no matter what. Thankfully I have him (: Luckily he is there to withstand all those heavy rains with me, not giving up on me. Well, after thinking that way I am not feeling jealous anyways. Like what Boyf♥ said, "Different people have different capabilities". That sentence totally enlighten me alot ;D & I am happy for who I am cos I got such a loving Boyf♥ there for me. I want to change myself & be the best~

Hahaha, felt like a STONE has perished in my heart. :D I think that's a way to smile too. Heehee, 虽然以前做错很多事情,至少现在我改过自新当一个有用的人。 I won't despair anymore. I will work my utmost best & get a good GPA. Life is tough, life is hard but life moves on!!! I can't stop yet just keep moving along with time! ;] I am going to be better person!!! Well, alot of thoughts have told me NEGATIVE THINGS but I don't want to fail anymore! Cos I am still young and shall be a BETTER PERSON!! Hm, one more thing~ I am very satisifed with my blogskin (: Let me show you ;D

Before I edit the skin (:

After I edit my skin (:
(P/S ; I made it damn small cos my laptop too small -___-)

Well, this is the beautiful skin!! ;D Isn't it so beautiful? Hahaha, I must say the person who did the skin is damn nice! Then I edit-ed here and there and make it the best (: I really hope the person don't mind me editing her skin. Well, big big thanks to her! Okays I am not a UNGRATEFUL person!!! ;D hehehe. Okays luh, I was pretty lame today. I went to create a NEOPETS Account && I have saved the password cos I kept forgetting the birthday neh! >< Hahaha. Hmmm, been facebooking, then I read abit of my SOA but I don't like it when I read so less :( Geeehhh shall read more tomorrow! -.- Oh well. Blog has been lack of pics D: & I seriously gotta see when can I update pics! :/ Hahaha. Okays, I think I am done blogging~


& I don't care what happens next,
Because all I know is I have glad to have you
That is what makes me the happiest woman
I love you, my Boyf♥.

P/S ; Target to lose at least 2kg ;D

