W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Boyf, I love you (:
Thursday, December 03, 2009 AT 8:15:00 PM ★
I don't like it when things go all haywire until I can't control whatever is happening ): Because, the more I try to make it better, the more it will result in an oppsite result. I got alot of questions, but there is no way I can get answers. But I finally got answers at last, and I am really relieved for everything. I realized I have caused alot of problems & causing so many hurts in the man I . I am nothing but a piece of troublesome burden. Problems after problems, keep pouring non stop causing so many tears, heartpain, heartbroken, unhappiness and many others emotions in between. What can be done to make things all better again? I heard before a phrase, "To Maintain A Love Story, Couple Must Go Through All The Thicks And Thins To Obtain Happily Ever After". It is indeed alot of thicks and thins to go through all the things. The Man I ♥, he really does love me to the extend of giving me so many chances. He told me alot of things along with his friend. I have learnt many lessons for the past week. Regardless bad or good, I have learnt many things & after thinking through so much, I realized I have to change myself. Change to a better person, and be the girl my Boyf♥ has always loved. It is not easy, for our relationship I must change. Whether its good or bad, I must change and be cautious of my actions. Being together with him, probably it is God's gift to me. Whether I cherish this gift or not, it all depends on me. I have been together with Boyf♥ for almost 14 monthsary. Probably this is the stage of determining whether can we overcome it or not. I guess after yesterday's quarrel let me know how much Boyf♥ loves me, and he cannot afford to give up on me. I guess after so many things, the answer is out, out for me to know how much he loves me. I guess I have taken my Boyf♥ for granted, instead of heeding his advice, I am not listening. I am just doing things that I thought was right, in the end I caused so many hurts to him unknowingly. I admit all the things I have caused unknowingly and things that I have thought are scary me. I guess my "Assuming" attitude must change. Time has seriously change so much, and both of us are changing so much too.

I realized how much you do love me, and I know how much I love you too. Just because of so many minor little things, both of us finally blew our temper and pour everything out. I choose to keep in silence, because no words is able to come out my mouth. But I found out answers and I have to do what's right. Characteristics are not easy to change, but I am making an effort to change. The power of is so formidable, so strong and I know I want to love you each day more than ever. I do not wish to lose you anymore, I've lose you once & I can't lose you any longer anymore ):. It kills my heart so much to see you suffer. Although I can't do anything much, but I can still feel your pain cos you love me and can't bear to see me changing into someone you don't know. Boyf♥ I love you <3. This sentence is enough to pour everything but I am determined to change, change for the better, not the worst. Days and Nights, I think every other day to not offend you. But thanks to all the fucking thoughts, I am gone worse. My mind started to "Assume" every other thing, all this feelings cause me to become so weird, so strange, so hysterical. I must change, really change myself. Apart from that, I must not commit all the things I have done before. Things must be back on track, cos Boyf♥ you are all I ever needed. <3 There is no way I can afford to lose you, cos I can't. I love you as deep as you do too.

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two." - St Augustine
This quote has helped me alot everytime when I go online and find quotes about love. It taught me to be a better girl. With that quote to guide me along, it taught me alot of things. Love is not easy, and to acheive we must go through everything and last long. Moment spend together are valuable and precious so I am going to kept them really closely in my heart. Memories with my Boyf♥ are definitely so sweet, so happy, so romantic & many other emotions. <3 Beautiful romance bloom around us. After yesterday, everything seemed to be better. We seemed to understand each other more, & realized we simply can't live without each other. We are in need of each other, in need of each other's loves which causes us to know that we are simply deeply in love and we can't live without each other any moment. Although I am more to the carefree person to let you do whatever you want, but I know you are more to the caring and controlling person to control what I do. So therefore, both of us are opposite poles we simply link together each other so much and stick alot together. 我已经很爱很爱你,although we keep quarreling this week but I am glad it can be over & I know we will be better in time. I want to be your last romance, now and forever I don't dare to think of a life without you.

You're the Sweetest Romance that I have ever got. Like I said, you're God's greatest gift to me and I must cherish this gift. I must treasure you, cherish you, love you, pamper you, miss you, want you, need you, and everything I do is just for you only. I do not dare to imagine another quarrel, yet I decided to change because your love is all I ever wanted. The past has already faded and I am going to cherish you more than ever. Sorry to have hurt you, and thank you for all the loves you given me. Those feelings inside me are not lying. Like you said "Words is words, feelings is feelings", so here I am to tell you all my feelings whether in words, or feelings. I don't wish to lie to myself anymore. This love is important to me, this love has make me grown alot. It is impossible to bid farewell to a love that I cherish dearly. No matter what, please always note that I love you.

Whether you visit my blog as much as I think you do, I still write whatever is inside me. This love will last, I know that. Because we're meant to be. Nothing can fight this huge love from me to you. Desmond Toh, you're the only one I want now. No other guys, yet you! (:

& I l♥ve you, Baby♥
You may not the world's most romantic guy
You may not show me the love I always wanted
You may not tell me I love you always
You may not remember monthsary, or yearsary
You may not give me gifts to make me smile
You may not tell me sweet little things
You may not ask me how'd I do lately
You may not allow me to go out with my friends

But I know you care for me more than anyone else
Love me more than anyone else without saying
Giving in more than any guys in the world
That's what makes you so special and loving
When the world start to change and turn,
But one thing is not gonna change at all
That is none other than my love to you <33

