W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Holiday is HERE at last for me
Saturday, December 12, 2009 AT 2:18:00 PM ★

Let's embrace in this Festival Season & I am definitely going to haunt Christmas Pressie for the man I . Like I said, probably getting him a simple gift, & hopefully he does love it. Well, one of the gift is he asked for it, so gonna get him his a Stitch which costs $22.90. Well, he known as the Brother of his Other Stitch (: Cute, uh? Hehe, apart from that I am still thinking whether should I carry on doing the other one. Lol, I seriously have no idea :/

1o Dec 2oo9, Thu
Happy 14th Monthsary, Baby♥
NO SCHOOL! Teacher cancelled lesson to let us go through case study. I went off to Baby♥'s house to do. Well, I did like SO LESS compared to Baby♥. I am going to do up the design first before proceeding cos its so hard! Erm, slacked and did abit of Case Study at Baby♥'s house {: Well, spend the whole day there then went home. Actually, just glad that I was able to be with Baby♥ on the 1oth Dec {: Happy, of course! But yea. In the night, we went off to Valerie's 21st birthday celebration at Aloha! ;] Erm, sung birthday song for her, ate cake then home sweet home alreadyy. ;D Hahaha Valerie's actual birthday is 14th but celebrate in advancee {: Overall, that's my Thu~ ;]

11 Dec 2oo9, Friday
Yesterday was the LAST DAY of school &&
Well, as usual Baby♥ and I met up early in the morning for breakfast at 7.45am. Both of us gotta meet up at 8.3oam to head off to Singapore Science Centre (: Gosh, been really long since I visited there. Alot of beautiful memories were founded there too {: Hmm, met up our respective teachers then off to the place. In the bus ride, chat along with my both SISTERS. The three of us were crapping like hell, especially SeanSISTER. He was attracted to someone in Baby♥'s class (: Well, shhh! :x Erm, we chat chat until we reached. Baby♥ was just behind me. Upon reaching, we saw a HUGE HUGE Dinosaur, then waited for our teachers! ;D While waiting, we took pictures! But I did not take as much as my classmates ): But I must say, I definitely enjoy myself theree~ In the process, Baby♥ and I explored almost all. Until about 1o.45am, we gathered and headed off to IMax Theatre to watch some movie for half an hour called ; "Under the Sea" {; Watched and my head spin spin alot cos the theatre was EVERYWHERE, majiam 3D movie ._. Erm, after marking attendance and the show, Baby♥, Amias and I headed off to Mac to have lunch. STARVING!! Got myself a McSpicy, Baby♥ got Mega McSpicy Mega, and Amias got Cheeseburger (: All of us ate finish and back to school soon after! :D Well, I took pictures with the Birthday girl ; Celia in the bus ;D Woohoo, at last we reaced school.

After that, off to Baby♥'s house (: Took a rest there but it wasn't enough cos I was SUPER TIRED! Erm, we bought Ice Cream with his bro ;D DELIOUS! In fact, yesterday enjoyed myself with Baby♥! ;] Hmm then Baby♥ send me to Tamp MRT then home sweet home~ ;] Time for pictures! ;D Must continue my Nuffnang compeition~

Singapore Science Centre {:
I love you <333

Amias ; Baby♥'s lunch buddy! ;]

Entrance of Singapore Science Centre!

Baby♥, me & Binquan (Biscuit)

Wanted to snap SeanSISTER but GG -.-

Amanda, me & Peiling (:

Me, Jiayi, Celia & Ivy (:

Baby♥ and me {:

Can you find us? ;]

Me with BIGBIG Bearbear! :]

Our ice cream~

Happy Birthday to you, Celia! :DDDDD

& I know there are some things in life are hard to comprehend
But we must face it and keep moving on non stop
Like I said before, time stops no man so you must keep moving
If you stop, everything on you will crumble totally
No matter how bad things are, keep smiling and make the best
Cos whatever it is, people can see your effort and your pain
Don't open your mouth and keep saying, yet just do it {:

P/S ; Some of my keys in my lappie's keyboard spoilt ))):
P/S/S ; Gotta go find Xmas Pressie for my Babypuff & the ones I love! ;D

