W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Why Do I Want Garmin Asus G60 and M20?
Sunday, December 13, 2009 AT 7:51:00 PM ★
Okays, this is going to be the 2nd Nuffnang Compeition I am going to take part. Well, this compeition is rather DIFFICULT but I've decided to take up the challenge. This challenge have two different kinds of Topics ;D Amongst the Topics, I have decided to choose Topic A. Hmm, I confessed I am clueless about GARMIN PRODUCTS but upon reading its features & functions, I am sooooo A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D about it (: Okays, let's begin~ (:

Topic A..,
Why do you(me) want the Garmin-Asus G60 or M20? (:
Well, I ♥ both the Garmin-Asus and I am sooo going to promote them~ So enjoy staying in my blog as you read about them. Hopefully they caught your attention. BUT I AM DESPERATELY WANT THE PHONE xP Okays, let's talk about both.. Firstly, I am going to introduce Garmin-Asus G60

Garmin-Asus G60 (:
I want this phone is because of some of its COOL-EST functions (: Well, let me list out the features of the Garmin-Asus G60. Let me list them out the features & I shall explain why I want it like so badly :D

First of all, it has some Mobile Phone functions. (: Simply with just a Search with the LBS, it will come up a Simple Menu which enable you to tap and find a searched place (whatever you want). Well there is this "Geo-tagging" which allows you to SMS Messaging, Email & even share photos. Isn't that so cool? It is simply like a MOBILE PHONE. I totally love it to the mazxzx! :D Ciao! is another location based service that allows you to use your phone as a “Buddy Beacon or GyPSii” device and share where you are with others in your approved friend list. Oh my gawd, about Ciao!, it is definitely so good la! I went to research about it & found out that it is actually a device that can track you without even CALLING THEM AT ALL! Was totally astounded to hear it manzxzxz, I actually can't believe without calling the person, you can totally detect the person that you added. So practically, even if the person lie to you,, you can already track where is the person as long as he/she is SOMEONE you added (: Seriously, Garmin-Asus G60 is SOO DAMN COOL! Don't you all agree?

Next of all, it attracted me in the GPS Features (: It behaves as well as a NORMAL TYPICAL GPS or ever better. I'm loving it~. It give FULL COVERAGE with maps && voice guidance (of course) and each single turn will speak ALL THE STREET NAMES. Gosh, way better than a NORMAL GPS :D Well, there is another function for people who doesn't drive & it fits for people that loves walking and exploring. That is the Pedestrian Mode which allows users to use the navigation system while walking. Of course, there are INSTRUCTIONS & PROMPTS are adjusted accordingly. It also has A CAR MOUNT which make it usable in a car without buying anything else. ♥♥-ing it more & more~!!! :D

Thirdly, it has a 3.55 inch display that has just 3 Primary Icons on the Screen. (: The three different icons are Call, Search & View Map. Apart from that, it has SMALLER SET OF ICONS which are facing to the right which can be scrolled up & down the screen. Has it caught anyone's eyes so far? ;D Another thing, it has an Acceletometer that detects the ORIENTATION of the phone & rotates the screen to whether it is Vertically or Horizontallyy. Seriously, it is like a COMBINATION of both a handphone & a GPS (: Geeehhh, I WANT IT SO BADLY!

Fourth, the thing about Garmin-Asus G60 is its Portability!! ;D Well, I went online to research on how heavy it is. To my surprise, it is JUST NICE for what I want (: Hmm, it measures about 112 x 58.1 x 14.6 mm, weights 137g. You know what? Garmin-Asus G60 also has a 2.5mm HEADPHONE JACK which I believe is able to hear music at the Music Player, hear what the voice guidance say when you want to use an earpiece && MAYBE CAN HEAR MUSIC! ;D Its battery is also an 1100mAh Battery which totally supports POP3, IMAP 4, IMAP idle and SMTP for email. Another two best damn thing about it is a 3 megapixel camera && uses OUTLOOK for contacts & calendar. It totally serves as a PHONE & GPS & MUSIC PLAYER & EVEN CAMERA TOO! Gosh, I can take pictures all I want, I can SMS or even call all I want && what's best is I will never go LOST with Garmin-Asus G60!!! ;D

Lastly, Garmin-Asus G6O got only just 2 colors!!! ;] Black and Blue. Not as many as Garmin-Asus M2O, but just still so pretty!! ;] Oh, I managed to find a video of Garmin-Asus G6O! ;D So have a look & bewildered by it~

Here is a video of Garmin-Asus G60 ((:

Oh gosh, the more I see, I REALLY WANT IT! [; Okays let's move on. If I can't get the Garmin-Asus G60, I want the Garmin-Asus M20. Totally don't get anyone of them cos I am so in the BOTH THE GARMIN ASUS. AHHH, so in love with it :D Okok, enough of crapping so much, it's time and I shall introduce the features of Garmin M20 ((:

Garmin-Asus M20
This is the Garmin-Asus M2o, so here I am to introduce on why do I this particular phone if I am unable to get the Garmin-Asus G60. (: Well, I went online to research on this phone too~ :D Another phone which I ♥ alot too. In fact, I don't mind winning any of them manzxz cos they have so many lovely functions & WAY BETTER THAN A NORMAL GPS. Let me list those features & you will know I want it so badly! ;] & of course, I found out there are quite a few differences & similarities among both of the Garmin Asus G60 and M2O. Some are same, some are different but they are just the way I loved it.

First of all, Garmin-Asus M2O is a tri-band phone for EDGE/GPRS and GSM inclusive of a dual-band UTMS phone. (: Well, speeds of up to 7.2 Mbps can be reached if there are Mobile Networks permit. Not forgetting, there are also Wifi built in and b/g speeds with WPA encryption. The Operating System used by this is Windows Mobile 6.1, but I hope it will upgrade to the LATEST, Windows Mobile 6.5. You can totally experience a Desktop web experience with full HTML browser. Totally feels like you're experiencing a true computer in your phone or a phone that feels like Samsung Omnia which are using Windows Mobile. Totally wonderful, I want it like SO BADLY! [:

Secondly, Garmin Asus M2O has this particular function that I really like it alot. The function is none other than location based services. It totally includes with so many different things like live traffic updates, petrol prices, flight times, weather, white pages, local based Google searches & etc etc. (: Seriously, ALL THIS FUNCTIONS ARE TEMPTING ME! :] First time hearing of this kind of features in a GPS! ;D I think it can be known as a mini phone cum computer already~!

Thirdly, what rocks totally on this is because it has the GPS maps which plays a major role in this phone. & Obviously this is why as this phone is built by Asus & Garmin. It features a GPS Unit which is soooo common on alot of phones this days. Oh, along with Garmin Street maps, it has some very smooth scrolling come standard too.
COOOL to the total max manzxzx! ;]

Fourth, this phone is definitely SMALLER than the other Garmin Asus G60. But still suit for people who loves it, an example is meee! :] Garmin-Asus M2o's screen measures about 2.8 inches, works in the VGA Resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. Exactly the VGA Resoltion. YAY, it even has a CAMERA of 3 megapixels like the Garmin Asus G6o. Oh, by using the GPS Functionality, I can actually GEO TAG my phone. Gosh, it even comes along with capacities of 4GB or 8GB when you receive it depending on what country you are. AIYA!! :D I want it! I want it! ;] I am totally obessessed with it manzxzx! ;/ Exactly like the Garmin-Asus G60, it has the Ciao! TM Location Based Social networking which you can track your friends when you approve them. & you have no worries if they're lying to you. Well, it also is able to turn in Portrait and Landscape form in each screen and a virtual QWERTY keyboard on touchscreen. Well well, you can see there are quite a few differences & similarities in both of them.

Lastly, I realized that Garmin-Asus M2O comes in 4 different kinds of colors, Red, Blue, Yellow and Black. Garmin-Asus M2O has 4 whereas Garmin-Asus G6O has only 2 different colors mentioned above. [: But overall, I don't mind getting any of them... (:

Gosh, as I kept talking about both Garmin Asus G60 and M2O, I really love them to the maxzxz. Want to have it like IMMEDIATELY! Okays, I managed to find a video of Garmin Asus M2o too, so have a look at this lovely phoneee! ;D

Here is a video of Garmin-Asus M20 ((:

P/S ; All information are found via Google (:

Thank you ((:

