W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
With you, I am everything
Sunday, January 17, 2010 AT 10:10:00 PM ★
twilight quote Pictures, Images and Photos
You're Everything To Me Now
YoZ Peepo!
I am back again to update my blog, which I want to do so. Have you guys noticed I changed my blogskin? Well, I sure did cos I am so sick of that blogskin. Still considering whether should I add a BIG PIC or not. Ohyea, I removed the wishlist. Such a hindrance. Seriously, I must do some deep consideration. LOL, have you guys also noticed that I've taken the skin exactly from the previous blogskin. Honestly speaking, her skins are absolutely stunning! No regrets choosing hers. (: Tomorrow is gonna be the 3rd Week of School. Geez, quite bored though. Despite doing some mugging today, I still don't feel accomplished ._. I have no idea why. >< Anyways, Lunar New Year is coming. Have everyone shopped their clothes? (:

& of course, I did my shopping already. BabyToh♥ specially picked them for me & that love of mine is excited how I look like when I worn it. Bought them at Bega, no dress this year yet pretty blouse & skirt. Spent huge bucks on it, but totally no regrets!
Fat peepo can be beautiful too, ok!
I have no deny of my size yet proud to say I am slowly reducing! Heck care negative comments, yet welcome positive comments! BabyToh♥ is just the example of one superb sweet love that doesn't mind my size (: Erm, find my posts abit boring this days, don't you all agreed? Well, I'm not sure. But yea, just gotta bear with it, uh? Hopefully pics will start rolling in. Can I say, I kinda hate this year Lunar New Year? Everything is CLASHING & I really loathe it

On the 1o Feb, it is gonna be BabyToh♥ and I's 16th Monthsary . Hate it cos I doubt there're gonna be anything special or what yet having lessons ): Moreover that day is a Tuesday! Oh well ._. Probably being able to meet BabyToh♥ and his house. :/ Oh well!

On the 12 Feb which is my 18th Birthday, I might be unable to have a proper celebration with BabyToh♥ cos he might got early reunion dinner & I don't know if I am invited :/ What's worse is my birthday is on my favourite day ; FRIDAY. Totally clashing! +_+ Well, that honestly sucks? I don't know if BabyToh♥ gonna get me pressie or will I even get pressies from friends or whoever. Wish she can get me a pressie like every other year cos she is my most important friend ): Oh well :/ Birthday wishes, birthday celebration. Oh whatever ):

Lastly on the 14 Feb which is Valentine Day, I think I can't even celebrate this day with BabyToh♥ cos it is the 1st day of LUNAR NEW YEAR. Everyone will be busy inclusive of me D: Sad, uh? Well, but on a brighter note BabyToh♥ said that he will have an early celebration with me. Aww, I think BabyToh♥ is really such a sweetie at times without saying. He always knows how to make me so in love. <3

Oh well, February is gonna be a BUSY month. Geez, after those fun, my exams shall take place soon after. I think exactly a Month. No time to waste :( So yea. BabyToh♥ and I are so going to mug hard once the study guide arrives. We must do well manzxzx! BabyToh♥ must maintain & I want to do better! SOAR ABOVE THE SKIES~ Okays that's so lame. In fact, I am blogging now cos I got the chance to touch the desktop. Geez, my submission of my PM Project is coming right up soon ): && we must get it done asap! Rawr, only tomorrow I will know if my Powerpoint Presentation fits what is my teacher's requirements! ;D Oh well, enough of ranting. So sick of it, I ain't stressed but just afraid of alot of things. Natural feelings of being afraid. :/ Oh well. I am so siannn, but I must make things smooth & beautiful! Off I go, waiting for my BabyToh♥'s phonecall (: I miss him!~! <33

Edward Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos
& You must know that you're already in my life now
I can't imagine if one day I am without you
You have already become a part of me,
The final piece of the puzzle that fits in my heart
You're the reason why my heart will beat
I know this isn't fake cos you're real
Right in front of my eyes, giving me those kisses I desire
Never say goodbye, alrightey?

P/S ; I am your love now

