W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Please beware! :)
Sunday, February 07, 2010 AT 11:49:00 PM ★
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Without You, I Am Just A Person Lost In My Direction
Will you blame me for blogging a little too much? (:
I know you all wouldn't, right? ;D So sit back & enjoy my blogpost. I having dozens of readers! But still, I sincerely thank you all for reading. Muahs! x3 Currently, I am chatting with Baby♥ but still, I wanna update my lovely my blogg~! Hmm, blogging rocks! Haha, I am being such a lame person ._. Well, I am doing many things at one time. MSN-ing & Talking with Baby♥ ^-^V Haha, learning to play a fool with emotions. The lame-ness ever~ Do you know I am a complete retard? (^_-)-☆ Yesterday, I told you I watched drama ; 下一站幸福, instead of watching from the front, I jumped to the back! Watched Ep 18 & it is seriously addictivee! Wish to be able to watch that soon enough. So gay lah! Frankly speaking, I love to watch ending of movie. Rocks to the maxzxzx! :D Haha. Oh ya, I forgot to mention that I am playing a NEW Facebook game ((: I am playing Petville this dayys! ;] I named my Lil Pet ; Precious (: Kawaii name, right? ;] I love that name && represent my pin for Baby♥. RAWRR, didn't get to study this two days ):

I got no Windows Server 2008 & totally can practice ): I also PROCASTINATE super duper alot! >< So yea. No choice, can't study SOA cos I have no idea where to START. SO MANY THINGS @__@. Rawr how gay! GAY IS THE HOTTEST WORD! So gay till I am always using it right now (^.^)b Haha. So bored! LOL, I am being the lame person right now. Being neglected by Baby♥, cos he is busy busy with Game Boyy! So emo, right? ;D But oh well he is still chatting with me can lerh. Oh ya, KUDOS TO MYSELF! I made 9 lovely things for Baby♥ & I am planning to give him something on Valentine Day. Muahs, Baby♥! Hehe, just to tell all. I will post it up asap. Camera ran out of battery, so not my fault. Haha, out of the blue I think that it is a SUCCESS :> Haha. But honestly compare to those peepo, I think I am inferior. Ok I must have SELF CONFIDENCE! Believe that my Baby♥ will love it <33 Haha. Positive DanDan! YAY-ness, countdowning to 5 more days !! Some know what it is, some doesn't~ So I am being so positiveee! >:) First thing to clear for this week is Practical Assignment. I hate being stressed! Chinese New Year, I got no REST arh! Cos I have to study too! EXAMS WILL BE IN A MONTH TIME! :/ I hate exams, loathe them to the mazxzxc! Who doesn't hate exams can :'( Baby♥ is the loveeeee~ :3

Haha, I am so bored. Okay, honestly speaking I think sometimes love is so mad @_@ I enjoy seeing people attached, but hate those rejection parts. Have I ever said that, I love kissing scene Image and video hosting by TinyPic Haha decided to post pictures anywhere but here. ;D

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I love kissing on the lips, feel so passionate :)
(I AM GAY! @__@)

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Hmm, I love it when Baby♥ do that when we bid farewell (^з^)

UP NEXT, I am going to show Hugging Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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Me love Baby♥'s TEDDY BEAR HUGS! <33 Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Can I hug you this way, my Best Friend?

One thing I love doing with my Baby♥ is holding his lovely hands! ;D Those comfy hands~

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Love it when Baby♥ holds my hands really tightlyyy! The Security in there. (Hands held tightly :D)

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(Take my hands & we go somewhere no one can find us~)

Ever thought of having sex when you are underage?
Please think wisely before you do that. I am sick of hearing people complaining to me that they lost their virginity & they broke up with their love already. Oh my! I hate hearing such things. Such people do Sex when they are underage and they know that you must not do so. But how to control? Spread to teens to stop having sex thinking and it will be fine. :) Well, I am sick of hearing all those nonsencial rubbish from people. Whether your love stays with you or not, at least happiness is with you! Cherish when you can, not have Sex when you can. Hate seeing people having sex then say all those shit. "I love you forever" doesn't exist, but "I will love you" exist :) There is a BIG difference between love and sex, so please get it minds straight. LOL! Goodness gracious, human are weird this days! >< Anyways, think rationally before having sex! Or else you will make a big mistake for the rest of your lives. If you want to do now, think first. If seriously want to do, happily do it & help produce more babies for Singapore! Singapore is lack of babies! So carry on, but think straight first! Goodness, wake up before its too late!

Lastly, I am damn clueless why am I showing all this pics, but still do enjoy all the beautiful pictures (: Being in love definitely has its PROS & CONS! So therefore, think wisely before being in a relationship. That's why I am still together with Baby♥. I think super duper alot ;D Well, if I never accept him, what will things be like? :> I do wonder, at times. LOL! Okay, so lame -.- Hmm, I am going to sleep at 12am cos I am not feeling sleepy yet~ ;D & I wanna continue to naggg! But I am lazy to blog already. Off to chat with Biscuit~

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& Baby♥, you are the apple tree in my forest
The star that is already engraved in my heart
The direction that guided me to the right path
The boy that I am fallen in love with
That's all, is definitely enough to make me love you always
Just know that, you're my everything <33 P/S ; Beware before you know me! Cos I am A SUPER HYPER ACTIVE happy! ;D
P/S/S ; 5 more days! TIKTOK! :D

