W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Thank you for everything, Dear
Saturday, February 27, 2010 AT 12:26:00 AM ★

That's My Feelings For You
Rawr Rawr! Been such a long week! Well, I know I barely had a proper update. But I seriously is so lack of time to even touch my blog! I know my blog will die anytime, but I will update when I do have the time. Blog is so dying! Inclusive of Plurk & Twitter. Been damn freaking busy with my school ): I am quite upset over my ENW Class Test. I got a score of 68%, but I ain't happy! All my fault for misinterpreting the questions wrongly! Oh well, unhappy! But, I told myself I must work hard for exams! I don't care!! Well, although I am not feeling happy, I am damn happy for my Dear♥. He scored a total of 100&%. Uber happy for him! ;D I know he is also feeling happy! Well, just unhappy over mine. Dear♥ has been a really nice boyf lately! Showering me with when I was so sick! He is really really nice to me! I was sick for the past few days, down with the fcking diarrhoea D:

I diarrhoea-ed a total of like 5 times a day?
What the fuck, right?! I am damn pale lately, but Dear♥ has been my Personal Nurse for the past few days! Hmm, today I thought I was heading to the doctor after lesson but didn't cos its closed. Dear♥ was really sweet to me, he treated me Manpuku~ :D Well, we always walk past Tamp One and really wanna eat it, but we couldn't D: Cos it was damn expensive! But Dear♥ bought me there today to eat. They are also having promotion, selected items costing at only $6.50. Ice creams are like $1, but I can't eat cos got MILK! ><" I ate Unagi with Chicken Teriyaki while Dear♥ ate Salmon Set. Barely had the appetite but I forced myself to finish it! Thankfully, I finish it~ After that, Dear♥ and I walked awhile. Planned to go the doctor I visited near Dear♥'s house. UNLUCKILY, IT WAS CLOSED! T.T Make me leave school early. But luckily I know Clustering! Hopefully I don't forget anything!

Gay! T.T Did study guide of SOA for Class Test on Monday! >< Hopefully I can do better! I want at least 70%!! ))): Must work hard already! Kays, I am lazy to blog already! Let me update photos of today then I am heading to bed~ Tired me~~! :/ I am ONLY barely recovering after mom and Dear♥ giving me different medicine ._. More diarrhoea, I shall be heading down to Private Clinic liao~

Dear♥ and Me <333 {Sorries if I looked pale D:}
Dear♥'s drink, Pepsi. My Drink, something like 100 Plus but not.
For my stomach derh! Must replenish salt content D:


& Let's work hard together and get good grades!
You must get GPA of 4 & I must maintain my GPA,
I will always be rooting for you,
Dear♥, you must root for me too
I love you, muahhhs!

