W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Always loving you, do you know
Sunday, April 11, 2010 AT 3:52:00 PM ★
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Nothing Will Come To An End, As Long As You Have Tried Your Best
Heyyyya ! :)
Officially blogging, after that I've no idea when is the next time I am going to blog again. School is starting & back to my busy life. Well, tomorrow is the first day of school after about a month of holiday. Exactly a year ago, we are just freshmen entering into a brand new environment after spending a long holiday after Olvls. Here we are now, as seniors doing our best in the Second Year of education. Being in ITE isn't that bad afterall, what's best is we have met different people, & learnt many things along the way for the whole 1 year. Memories, indeed. Haha, brand new term & of course, everyone is going to embark on a journey of studying again. Education is never stopping :)) Haha. In fact, I ♥ being a student but of course, I hate exams. But there's no choice, isn't it? ;D Well, I must say "I have spend this holiday fruitfully!" Just happy as always! :D I am such a happy girl~

After the heavy rain comes the rainbow.
That's all it is able to make me smile~

Haha, moving on :D Yesterday was my 18th Monthsaryy with BabyLove♥. Well, we didn't go out and spend the day. Because, we've already met for almost the whole 5 days so both of us decided to stay at home and rest :] Well, in fact I think Friday is considered a celebration with with BabyLove♥. Cos, we manage to catch 2 Stitches. No worries, will upload them :] Haha we caught exactly the same thing twice.

Couple Stitch for BabyLove♥ & me
Happy Happy! ;] Spend just $10 onlyyy! ;D For the price of two, just $10 ! :D So therefore, I have no fears in spending them all. Been such a happy/sad person lately! But afterall, that's one thing ! LOL! Okay, I don't know what am I saying. Well, I gotta catch some sleep soon. :) Or else I will be a sleepy zombie tomorrow. Haha, I just gonna upload a pic and go offline already. Lazyy to blog already! :D Just wanna say "Whoever who pops by my blog, always know that I don't want to be a memory of you guys, because I love you guys" :) Byebye! :D

Catch me blogging sometime soon
Ending this post with the two Stitches BabyLove♥ and I caught :)

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Bundles of Joy
& I don't know what's coming along my way now
But I simply hope everything will be the best of all
Just need you to know you are the one I cared always
Nothing can change that, cos I love you more than anyone

