W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Love, woaini x3
Friday, May 14, 2010 AT 11:55:00 PM ★
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Because Of You, I Learnt To Love Who I Really Am
Heyyyos ♥, I am here to blog once again :> Don't want laziness to target me ! Muhaha :) So therefore, I must make sure, I don't end up being lazy pig. Or else no updates already so you all must appreciate my posts. I thought I added Dearest♥'s photo into my thumbdrive. To my dismay, I did not ): So can't upload Dearest♥'s photo. OMG OMG! I managed to find Dearest♥'s photo already! :D I made it into a GIF :) My pretty boy, I ♥ you, muahs. LOL, despite he doesn't visit my blog but I'm still fine with it. Afterall, Dearest♥ is not the type that doesn't read blogs :D So therefore, okay lo :> Honestly speaking apart from Benard, who will actually spend the time to read my blog's archives. Omfg, right? So far, only Winnie & Bernard read all? if I ain't wrong. LOL, unbelieveable? :x but that's the way, afterall blogging is like my little diary for me to type everything. That's why they called it an online diary? So far, I am considering to PRIVATE my blog :) Well, but I'm still considering. Considering the facts that I totally love my readers, I doubt I will private it :> But I want visitors :( I am totally envious of people who have so many readers, like almost 100k? :/ LOL, yea I know I am not some famous bloggers like Xiaxue, Esther Xie but I will really appreciate tags & comments rather than always talking to myself!

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I think you all must be thinking I'm mad :> Haha, as mad as Mad Hatter. Ohh boyy, I miss his voice :(
LOL, in case you forgot who is he, he is from Alice in Wonderland & acted by Johnny Depp. Damn cute, right? :D Lol, I still love him like to the max? x3 Aww, my idol ! :> LOL, I am so nuts. Well, come & take a look. His picture is above! :> Geehhh, Dearest♥ is going to do a test now (13 May) & tomorrow its my turn (14 May). OMFG~! :/ I feel like dying :( Lol, hate to the max !! OMGGG. Okay, running berserk ! ~w~ Oh manzxc! Emo, can :/ Okay, all the best to Dearest♥ first !! :] Diao. Sound so weird ! Okay, how retarded. I'm feeling sleepy right now. T.T Oh well. Ohyaaaa, in the end Dearest♥ did not bring me to watch Iron Man 2 D: emo! Oh well, there are so many upcoming movie! :> I want to watch...

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Shrek ; Forever After
That's the final one!
I seriously do hope I will be able to catch this or else.., I just gotta wait for DVD or what. Oh well, afterall I have not been to the movies for almost 1234567890 months!!! :( How sad, right? Oh well, just gotta live with it.
Busy busy is the only word I can use to describe. What to do? This is life ._. Well, Dearest♥ and I are equally busy each single day. I have to come to school around 7.45am to prevent the packed train & study until 5pm like that whereas my Dearest♥ has to come to school at 8am every single day. Well, this is life so therefore we don't complain. So as his loving girlf, I understand & we hopes to do well for our future. Future of me & him, that's what I hope. I don't know how he thinks, but I love Dearest♥ more than any other man. That's for sure. What's more, he's the man I wish to spend my eternity with. Let's say something "WTF". I am on the verge of getting sick D: How emo, but still I will live with it ;D Cos I am strong enough to face them and do things myself. I also know what's like to be left out when you are badly ill. No one cares, no one bothers, all by yourself sick and ill. Only Dearest♥ is there, on the phone though. He listen to my pain, my sickness, my feeling & what's best I can feel his unconditional love. I wish I could fall sick right now ._. LOL!

Well, Dearest♥ and I have changed so much. But in order to be a better girlfriend, I give myself a promise that I will change. Although Dearest♥ ain't like last time, so sweet loving to me, I am fine with it. I'm willing to give up all my effort to love him like he always do, though he loves me but not as much as last time. Yes, changes occur. :( But,
we must face it & be strong whatever comes along the way!
Well, that's how I tell myself !! I can't get all sad, pushy or what. >< I can't bring myself to lose Dearest♥! Honestly speaking, I have given every single love to him. Just that many things happen, will result in stupid stuffs. :/ Oh well. I don't want think, just walk each step carefully :> Okay, ignore my reflection. :/
Actions speak louder than Words.

Okay, just a short inspiration for him :>
I know I have disappoint you alot due to many different events. Yes, I know you are badly hurt and everything but I will prove you different. I will prove to you, I will change to a better girlfriend. The girl you always love. I know I am the cause of all the problems that happen to you. So therefore, I will make the change. Yes you are not like the same you I know anymore. But it is me who caused all this shit in you. So give me a chance to amend all the mistakes. I can't bring myself to lose you. One night is enough to let me reflect myself. Be a better girlfriend for you. I don't mind being the first to text you. I really don't mind. I am fine doing things you please. I am willing. Nothing is gonna change my love for you. Our love is on the rocks, so I must make it smooth sailing again. I hate all of those shits, so let me do a part fo changing them back to normal. Time for you to rest and let me amend all my mistakes and make you forgive me.
I love you, <3

Okay, that's all. Haha, took my medicine and I am feeling all drowsy but in order to keep typing, I am ignoring those stuffs. Oh well. Blah Blah Blah. I think I talk super loads of crap, :/ Okay, I think it is really time for me to bed. :/ If I don't turn in, a lot of rubbish will appear. OMFG! NOOO! Dearest♥ should be sleeping & its my turn, ok. I shall to update more,
loves ♥♥ to ALL !

As promised...,
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This is the only guy I love ! :)

& I can't stop myself from loving you
Let me do what I can do to show my love
Because you are all I need in my little life

P/S ; This post was supposed to be on 13 May but laziness attk me! :x

