W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Tell me you need me.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 AT 8:17:00 PM ★
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Every Step We Make Is The Beginning Of Something
Hello Cuppycakes! ♥ (Eeeeew~)
Danielle has recovered fully semi-ly :) Kudos to myself~ So therefore I have arrived to blog. Be prepared for pictures! I know everyone wants to see pictures, so your wish has come true. I know everyone has waited 1234567890 days just to see me uploading pictures :) Well, so I make everyone's wish come true. That's why I decided to upload pictures. I am not editing those pictures. Well, although pictures speak a thousand words but I will strongly type & upload pictures. Sweeet :> Well, I am going to talk on the 19th May & 20th May. In fact, more focus on 20th May :D

On 19th May, nothing special. Just missed school for a day & went all the way to Tamp Polyclinic to visit a doctor. Mommy wasn't home & I've no clues where the heck is CCK Polyclinic. Well, so therefore I took train all the way to Tamp Polyclinic to visit a doctor. At the meantime, deliver stuffs for my mom -__- Patient also have to receive such treatmeat, wtf. Oh well, then trained all the way down. Dearest♥ was being the best damn thing ever, he texted me all the way despite having class. He might not be there, but he's my strength. At last, I finally reached & visited the doctor. Took me quite awhile. I was being an IDIOT. I forgot to put my prescription into the Box & thought I actually missed my turns. That day, got many phone calls :/ So therefore, was so blur! :( So yaaaaaa. Then, FINALLY it was my turn! :> Got my MC & Medicine, then off to run run run to the bus stop. Dearest♥ didn't know, don't want him to worried. Then, off I walked to Tampines 1 to wait for Dearest♥ awhile cos I am seriously so tired. :( I waited for almost 2 hrs, but waiting doesn't matter to me cos its someone I love. I only wait for people who deserved to be waited :) True enough, I wanted a rest badly & was soo HUNGRY! :( But then, to control my craving & to get well, I endured till Dearest♥ came. But I managed to buy a gift for Briceyyy & LaiyinMEI. I was so weakk, :( But then, I promised them so I did it. Ya, I spend abit alot. But its okay, didn't tell Dearest♥ cos I know he will call me dumb -.- Okay, then off to sit down and wait for Dearest♥. I was so shaggg :( Pale pale. But the aroma of Tamp 1 makes me enduree! :3 Ohmygawd, the aroma of the Toastbox & Icing Room filled my nose, keeping me so happy! I was so weak but that helped me a lot. I was whining to Dearest♥ thru SMS, he told me to buy -.- But I can't, I'm ill & I must endure! Dearest♥ finally come after soo long! Was soo glad to see him, wanted to give him a huggg. But I was ill, showed him my medicine then off he accompanied to the Bus stop to take bus to Aunt's house. I didn't go home that day cos it is too far. Then Aunt let me stay over for a night. Bid farewell to Dearest♥, off to Aunt's house. Saw Peizhen at ITE Bus stop, chatted awhile then I finally reach Aunt's house.

Dearest♥ was so emo that day :( Hope I did console him. He is stressed, I am stressed, everyone's stressed :( Year 2 is tough, but no matter what we must overcome it all :) Oh well~ Then, I reached Aunt's house. Mimi opened the door for me cos Aunt was sleeping. Didn't manage to play with Muffin a lot, but was able to snap snap abit. Will upload, no worries. Didn't dare to take medicine yet, was afraid it has my allergies one :( Blame that doctor for making me scared by asking me what will happen to me if I ate my allergy medicine! I still want to marry Dearest♥ so must not die :x Then, later I was very hungry. Mimi give me milo & some food :> Ate abit, then I decided to try my luck and ate my medicine. Was feeling drowsy afterall :/ Watch TV, showered, waited for my Aunt to wake up so I can at my dinner!! Okay, then later I managed to use the computer awhile then Aunt woke up! YAY! Food!! :3 Haha, Muffin was underneath me cos he knows I am eating :)) Haha, eat already then off to play the computer! Haha played www.y8.com & www.dressupgames.com & another one. That one, idk name! :x Chatted with Dearest♥ awhile while facebooking then off I went to rest soon. Took 2nd time of the medicine, not longer after I was in dreamland already. Okay finally time to post on 20 May ;D

What's so special about 20 May 2010?
I bet you all are wondering. :) Let me reveal the answer, it is because that day my class and Dearest♥ class went to NAVAL OPEN HOUSE 2010!! :> It is my first time going to such a program :) Dearest♥ say he went before, but I didn't! So I was feeling excited. Despite being sick, I would prefer to go on this excursion rather than stay at home and rest!. That day, I reached school at 7.15am ! :D 3rd time being in school that early!!! :))) Then, Dearest♥ came. We had our breakfast, got myself a pandan bread. Whereas Dearest♥ ate his usual. OFF TO CLASS! :) Had class till 11.30am liddat, then we went for lunch! Met up Dearest♥ at cafe 2. After that, off we went to our respective place to meet. Dearest♥ was excited like the way I do! I think. After that, we started to take attendance then time to board the bus. :D Hehe, I sat alone and manage to take pictures with Celia and Joelle with the help of Marcel :] Sweeet. Then, I almost slept. The place is definitely like going over to Malaysia custom. The place is heavily protected with NS men & our bags have to be check too. My medicine was almost taken as DRUGS -.- Haha, then after that we manage to go in after so longggg :/ Didn't get to see Dearest♥ much cos I was with my class whereas Dearest♥ was with his teacher :) Our first stop was to the 'DUCK TOUR'. Wah, can die while waiting for the 'DUCK TOUR'. :( We waited for almost 1 hr plus just to sit. Haha AmandaBABE was dragged in xD I took a dozens of pictures(that's the origins of all the photos), I also took pictures with my C.A :) Hahahaha. A lot of pictures, I seriously meant :) Honestly, what I loved most of the pictures are the SCENERY :) If only I can shared this with Winnie :'(

Then, we finally managed to go in after sooo longgg! :/ AIYAAA! Okay, the ride wasn't that scary as I thought. I thought I was going to have SEA SICK but sadly no :] Haha, then we took a few rounds then off for some more photos. We went to some place, then all of us got the pictures with our teacher! :> YAY-ness! Then, we got some time to walk anywhere we want. T.T Thought can meet up Dearest♥ but can't :( He was in some don't know where which lasts for 50 minutes!! POWERR LORH! He say until DAMN SHIOOOK! :3 I also want!!! ;3 After that, didn't see Dearest♥ all the way BUT ONLY HIS CLASS! Grrrr. Okay then we wasted some time to do some survey JUST TO LEAVE! :/ The place was so damn hot, but by thinking of Dearest♥ I preserved at the end! Haaaa the walk to the bus was like CUSTOM! && the walking can REALLY kill! Ohmy! Okay, then took the same bus as Dearest♥ :) We went back to school together. Then, went over to Dearest♥'s house. Thought I was going home that day, but did not. Had dinner around 8pm. Cos I didn't know what to eat & wasn't feeling hungry at all. Went home around 8.45pm. Then home sweet home :> Dearest♥ chat with me awhile then we went to sleep. We're cute little piggies (Y)

As for 21st May, another school day. Had the usual lesson but respective teachers ain't there. Facebook-ing awhile before proceeding to find blogskin for my project :) Haha, nothing much. Dearest♥ and I ate at some hawker center. Then, we went off to Tamp 1 to eat yummy mango pamelo I only enjoyed the part going out with Dearest♥ and his best friend :) Then, Dearest♥ and I went in time to go out with his family. Went to Vivo Cityyy. Sad sad neh :( No fate to see Dewen & his best friend. :'( But there're always chances, so SMILE! ;D Well, decided to end this post with an inspiration then carry on viewing bottom with PHOTOS! :>

Love make me blinded by you, only you. You changed me, changed me and making me realized what things I must change. Last time I always lose the man I loved, because I was told of my own mistakes. Yet you told me my mistakes, mark them and tell me, giving me endless chances to mend my ways. I reflect myself alot, telling myself I must not commit any more silly things. I can't lose you and I know I must be a better girlfriend in your eyes. I can't let anything happen in between us. I must grow up, no more being that childish fucktard. You told my errors, I kept repeating and you still give me a chance. So I must really mend my ways. I believe our feelings towards each other has been fading but I know after all this talks, we will be better. Definitely better than last time. Now you said it all, I promise you I will grow up. I can't make anything happen to us. I love you, I am indeed in love with you and I can't lose you. Baby, trust me. I will make sure I will be a different girl for you and myself

Time for some photos (it might lag your computer)
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Celia, Me & Joelle :)

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This is abit LOL, cos its a KIDDIE ride ._.

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PB0904W ; Year 2 in Business Information System

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Mr Adam :)

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My two 'Girlfriends' in class :>

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Mr Victor ; my C.A :]

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Celia & Joelle with Mr Victor :)

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Joelle and Celia respectively in both pictures that got me :D

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The three of us again :)

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'DUCK TOUR', we are not the ones heading up yet

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Us in SAFETY JACKET with Mr Victor.

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Blueblue sky :) I love the sceneryyy!

Lastly, I end this picture of me & Dearest♥
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I will stick with you thru thicks and thins :)

& If you think I am like that, then so be it.
I am tired of fighting with you all already
If Aunt didn't say a thing,
I will never know but too bad, I STILL KNOW
Yes, I am TERRIBLY UNHAPPY for what you all did
If Brice didn't confess and say why am I NOT supposed to know,
I will still be understanding to forgive you all
IN THE END, because of a sentence 'You busy what'
You all didn't BOTHER to call or even say a thing
If I am NOT a part of this ______, PLEASE SAY SO
Maybe all along it is my fault for quarreling with you all.

P/S Gonna take part in Nuffnang compeition, SUPPORT ME! :>

