W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Never enough of you
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 AT 12:07:00 AM ★
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It's Been Awhile Since I Felt Your Smiles In Those Lips
Heyyya lovely(s)!! ;D
Time for another update again~ I have seriously nothing better to but to update my blog again (: Omigosh, right? YAAA, totally ! ;] As mentioned I'm updating daily, so here I am~ I am so-going-to-do-that till school starts ;D Haha, tough battle ahead when school starts. Oh, one thing! I'm gonna go back to school on 29th & 30th June, which meas it's the final week of my holiday! Damn freakish-ly FAST! ^w^ Hehe, okay! Today is such a OMFG dayy! You know why? B'coz I fry vegetables && Dad didn't try it )): What sucks is still, Dad didn't eat at all. :/ How gay can that be -.- Okay fine, whatever. Maybe he just didn't like it afterall D: Ohyaaa, Dad also scare me completely (!) I was frying eggs for dad, brother and myself then dad just pop out behind me saying 'Can handle anot?'. I got a complete shock, p-l-e-a-s-e! :( Oh well, I think he saw it!! Okay fine ._. Haha, lame poop. Today I happen to read something, all I just gotta say last long with him, alrightey. Okay, Sweetlove♥ is sleeping already & I am going off to sleep soon {: Omg! >< B'coz tomorrow I am meeting Sweetlove♥. Haha Sweetlove♥ can't stop seeing me :)) Haha, that pretty boy is madly in love with me like I do~ :> Technically, I watched many movies today. Eg : Another Cinderella Story, Cheri && many others ^w^ Haha, how lame shit. :/ I am TOTALLY bored today. Hehe, today Fish called me (: She wanted me to peii her but I can't :( Must look after the house and do the veggies! Saddening to say about my veggies. How I wish Dad ate it. -.- Crapp-ish! Honestly speaking, the feelings sucks ttm. How sad can my life me :( Haha, happy happy! LOL, no way of being negatives :( I must be a happy person, I do not want wrinkles. Wrinkles are uber-ly ugly. Gosh, I am super duper lazy to update the day that I went out with CherylJIE, Sweetlove♥, Zhenwen :/ LAZY! :D Haha, laziness kills me. Oh, have you noticed my blog is so lack of colors lately?!?!!?!? Decided to let it stay natural for once. Well, Moifragileheart just needs to be filled with not colors sometimes. Haha, just want to have bold, strong, italic, underline & strike for once (: Haha how sweet, uh? Damn gay manzxc, I bit my lips THREE TIMES already! For freaking shit bug !! I really don't wish to bit it anymore. It hurts ttm :'( I applied bonjala, but still it didn't seemed to be working, just numbing the shit feelings. Hehe, happy happy! I'm gonna meet Sweetlove♥ tomorrow! WooootZ~! Lol, I seemed to be really want to see Sweetlove♥ ! Haaaa, xoxo x33 ~ Okay, I miss my Sweetlove♥ luhh, confession made {: Okay, whatever. I am such a lame poop !_! Gosh, time flies. This week is gonna be siblings' last wk of holiday and mine is starting soon :( Gay-sified! Oh manzxc :x I feel like being lazyyyy, and not blog anymore but blogger is addicitive :( AHHH the lips I bit hurts :'(( Okay~ Whatever ! I must not complain! Haha endure the pain `_` Painful lips! Biy till its so jat-lat~ D: Painful seh! DD': Okay this is stupid. I am typing all shits manzxczxc! Oh my gawd, I'm having SILENT READERS!! x( HAHAHA.Okay I might buy myself an ice cream tomorrow ~ Seriously, I feel like eating ! :/ Okay, maybe I shall not crave afterall. I don't want diabetes! :(( Okay be positive !! Haha, afterall I am gonna be a happy one~ :> I am honestly feeling superb lazy already! I want to catch some sleep and meet up my Sweetlove♥ tomorrow :D Haha tatas ALL! ;D

& Unhappiness comes and hit me again
But I must be happy and look forward (:

- & I can't get enough of your love, I need it more and more like a drug. You're the only one who can make me this captivated, I won't risk a chance to lose you yet to love you more each day. Obstacles are along the way but they ain't enough to make me stop. You are just that so special little man in my life. An ordinary man that can capture the heart of mine. So special, so unique. Lastly, b'coz I need you, & I love you more than words can say.

