W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 AT 2:23:00 PM ★
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Everyone Is Always Caught In A Love-Hate Situation
& When the world let you down, you must not let yourself down.
I've been thinking how much time have I win and lost in the meantime of my 18 years of life.
I have fallen in love, out of love, made new friends, lose old friends & of course the hate-love amongst all.
My 18 years of life has been deeply remembered and every single memories is in my mind.
Well, I might not remember everything exactly but I do have vivid memories of amongst everything.
Some past are better off long forgotten, some past are best to be remembered and be learnt from.
What's left to do now is to embrace today and live the fullest for tomorrow by not committing the same mistakes.
We have the habit to commit the mistakes but we just gotta keep trying till its perfect and right again.
A lot of things have been running in my mind especially the word 'Friendship & Relationships'.
If some stuffs are easily forgotten, humans will not have a brain yet just being a robot that does not have a brain.
Yes, indeed. I admit I do think of a lot of my history but those history makes me who I'm today.
Sometimes the word 'IF' will come into my mind and ask me a lot of questions and not always I have an answer.
It is not easy to answer afterall, b'coz in my life I met many types of people and have to face it.
Yes I hate some types of people and I love some types of people but it makes no difference at all.
In life, we just gotta hate/love, you can't say you don't know which one to choose or what
What to do? This is how life can be at times, especially when you have to make a decision for something.
I don't hate humans till the point of time when they make me hate them b'coz hating is a sin to me,
So I choose love humans despite at a point I really wish to scold them off and tell them what I want to say.
But I don't know why but I always seemed to suppress each and every single anger inside of me
& not releasing them at all, I feel happier and more peaceful this way despite it might cause depression.
I find it so useless to actually be so angry and just start yelling, shouting, screaming everyone who offended you.
Silly, uh? Ya, indeed. Well, do you love backstabbing people? I don't love those types of people in every ways
But have you noticed everyone is backstabbing someone each single day? I find life so ironic, but it is still life.
You can't change it but make it a better one instead. That's the only solution you can better off do instead.
Amazingly, I have been thru hate/love stuffs almost every single thing
I've been hated, loved, or whatsoever but still I am standing strong and proving the ones who hate me wrong.
I hate haters, but still I choose to love them b'coz by understanding someone, you have grown up.
I can choose to hate Jordan, or whoever who hurts me but I rather forgive and move on with my life.
Like what I always said in each single obstacles I'm facing in my little daily life of mine,
'What's meant to be yours will be yours,
What's not meant to be yours will never be yours eventually.
That's how everything works, I decided to write b'coz I felt the sense of wanting-to-think-better occur in me
Maybe what my love said is right, I spend too much time in computer so I must make full use of the time I can use
When you start to grow up, you realize you have less time with the computer and always working
So make full use of the time we have before it is long gone as they will never be back again
Life has second chances but time does not, you have to keep running and make full use of it
So if yesterday was terrible, make today a better one and of coz live tomorrow your best one ever (:

- I hope you enjoy this thingy I wrote here, just a reflection of mine :D

