W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
50 Facts You Don't Know About Me (:
Wednesday, July 07, 2010 AT 8:26:00 PM ★
50 Facts You Don't Know About Me.
  1.  I can be damn freaking random, asking things which can hardly be expected. (As told by many)
  2. I tends to be very easily emotional but I just don't cry unless it really hit my soft spot.
  3. Winnie is my one and only best friend despite the fact she's gone, but I still hope for her return.
  4. I hate my secondary 3 & 4 class as they're one of the worst.
  5. I loves my Aunt more than my family.
  6. I have about 6 ex boyfriends but I only have 2 ex that I truly love (Exclude my current one)
  7. I tends to expect stuffs but I am always the one doing the things to the ones I love although the things I do is actually what I want to happen to me.
  8. I give in more than I give out.
  9. I have been cheated very badly once.
  10. I almost thought I am a lesbian that time with one of my friend.
  11. I always want to have a big birthday celebration like a chalet with my group of friends and Boyfriend♥ but they never come true.
  12. I love surprises by my friends or Boyfriend♥.
  13. I cherish my friendship with people very dearly but some stuffs made me hide myself.
  14. I want to hang out with my friends but courage fails me.
  15. I am very blunt till I hurt a lot of people easily.
  16. I am afraid to make my friends upset and resent me.
  17. I write a diary for almost 10 years.
  18. I have a habit of blogging to release whatever emotions running inside me.
  19. I can't stay still for more than a minute, because I tends to fidget a lot.
  20. Once I fall very deeply for someone, my heart will never give up until my feelings REALLY fade off.
  21. I once had a crush with a guy for about 2 years but he never knows at all till I met my first love.
  22. I like to pretend to be someone else in show/drama/serials.
  23. I got a thing for love songs which have very lovely lyrics.
  24. My dad slapped me for about 30 times in the 3 quarrels I have with him before.
  25. I took a very long time to get over Jordan despite the fact I am attached but it is over now.
  26. I tried being together with my other ex and fall in love with them but my feelings fail me, because I know I can't move on easily due to the fact that once a person love me, I can love the person really deep despite the person forgot me already.
  27. I believe in God but I don't like attending church especially my church.
  28. Night life is the only time I find myself with peace.
  29. I really hate morning like nobody's business because I loathe morning, hates to the max.
  30. I can be very soft hearted if you are someone that is very dear to me.
  31. I once had a boyfriend (ex) who is younger than me and he broke up with me because his 'God' asked him to do so.
  32. I mixed with gangsters before but I never regretted my actions. Because I finally knows what is like to know about the other side rather than just good kids.
  33. Love pictures, emo pictures, quotes are the loves.
  34. I always wish that one day, someone will treat me as his/her best friend and let me feel what it is like be a best friend to another person. (I still want this wish)
  35. I have let down a lot of friends by not hanging out with them and I really hope they will remember me and forgive my absent.
  36. I love to window shop a lot.
  37. I may admire clothes/shoes/accessory but I never buy.
  38. I can't afford to lose Boyfriend♥ and my friends but I don't know who're the friends left.
  39. I need a soulmate.
  40. I first ate chicken when I was in Year 1 of ITE, thanks to my Boyfriend♥.
  41. As long as you gimme chocolates or sweets or bubble tea, I can be happy for almost the rest of the day.
  42. I hate football a lot because every match I watch is always 0 - 0, it gets me damn fed up and loathe soccer.
  43. I love Teddy Bears, Spongebob Squarepants, Stitch. As long as it is fluffy, they can make me smile more than anything.
  44. I hate arcades, because I think they are noisy and I don't have good impression.
  45. I love taking pictures and be glad to take with anyone as long as you ask me.
  46. I talk to myself a lot.
  47. I hardly login to MSN so forget about talking to me in MSN because I am not there.
  48. I love to SMS, as long as you SMS me I am gladly to reply but if you are someone I don't like replying, sorry I won't reply you.
  49. I first fail Mathematics when I was Primary 2, got a score of 47/100.
  50. I am very indecisive. 

