W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
The love in you
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 AT 2:41:00 PM ★
Heyys Readers!! :D I am back to blog again! Did anyone happen to miss me much much? Haha, been such a busy babe! ): Busy girl, you know. Gosh, lately been thinking I am like heading to the age of '2' soon. ): Damn saddening, I am becoming old! More and more old! Please.. :/ I want to be grow younger && be like a young lady! I am like omg old! Boyf♥ is like heading 21 years old and I am turning 20 in like 2 more years?!?!?! Omg ! Please don't ): I don't like. The idea of it makes me go sad sad ! Geehh, rashes is finally fading away! SHOO SHOO SHOO! I can't wait for it to go away ): It is like wtf for the past few days. FML for that few dayys! But I am just glad, it is healing much much now :> Lame~ Okay, one big big event is coming ^^ Singapore is turning 45 years old! That means that, Singapore is turning a year older. Three cheers! :D Okay, that's lame. After that, I'm flooded with tests & exams. OHNO! D: Okay that sucks! Hehe, I am slacking right now ._. Slacking like sooo much ^-^ Hmm, I am like an angel! :> Okay, I keep thinking about one thing, THREE CARELESS MISTAKEs! I am fcking upset ): Okay, heck care~ I must be positive! Haha, I am trying to make my post long, okay! :> I shall just end with an inspiration~

Edited at 2206pm
I am soo bu shuang lah! :< B'coz my post is so short no matter how much I convince myself. It is like so TMD short! ): I don't like it a lot a lot! Hmph! Grumpy me wants to make it longer. :x I hate short short posts by me! Honestly, I am a WEIRD person. One minute, I can be a very happy person ! & the next minute, I can be a very sad person. I actually wonder who will dare to mix with me -_- Is this why my friends doesn't last long with me ): Oh boy, I am like heading to this topic. Well, okay! In fact, I love blogging but my posts are like SOOOOO SHORT! I don't love short posts x( I completely hated it! Okay, I am whining. Hehe, I just took medicine! :3 Okay, I am tired! So I shall make this post this long. I AM LAZY!

I miss you. Although I happen to see you like every single day, but I still miss each single inch of you. It is like, you are there but I still miss you. You're still that special. Yes, we have many fucking upside down, but I am just glad all's over. Well, I love the way you are. The way you make me miss you so much despite you leaving just the next second. Yes, we are like old couples but I do enjoy each single moments with you especially when we get to laugh/joke/smile. I just want to be with like always. I just need you to know I appreciate each action you did. Yes, I know you feel unappreciated. It's just I got no cash to make you happier. I promise you, I will treat you to a beautiful 21st, I hope. I ain't thinking any further yet just cherish you. I love you, Boyf♥

& Each move is how we love each other
That's how much I love you, I guess :)

