W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
08'08'10 was great! :D
Monday, August 09, 2010 AT 1:58:00 AM ★
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Happy 45th Birthday to you, Singapore ! :D
Okay, I know you all have been anticipating to see photos in my blog. Yeah, I have photos but I ain't going to update today! It is rather late & I am quite tired so therefore posting will be delayed till the weekends :D Sorry, guys! :/ I am too tired already! But no worries, I will quickly edit and upload in my blog. I took a whole load of photos! Well, I just must say , I had sooo much fun today. Dozens of to Bf♥ & of course, today! Well, it is like a way to celebrate 22nd Monthsary. x3 Well, happy day! But I really hope everyday can be like that. Okay back to reality, time to study! Stuffs are almost done, ! Just gotta constantly remind myself, I must get all things done like ETD PPT, PM2 Final Project. Time is flying. ! I must clear my Phase Test before I care others! :> Okay, got to go already! Goodnight all, kthxbye! :>

- Stay tuned to await my post, ! :D
& Remember to keep those taggies or comments coming , please! :]
Lastly, click on my Nuffnang Ads before you go! !!!

& A happy day spent always make me smile more
I really hope each single day can be liddat
Without all those stupid silly rubbish stuffs.

