W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
I hate this world
Friday, August 06, 2010 AT 11:54:00 PM ★
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It Is A Matter Of Time
Hello all, . After much consideration, I've decided to blog right now ._. Haha, I know it took me really long to blog ! :D Thanks to my lazy-ness & tired-ness & no-time, I practically can't blog at all. Lol, did anyone miss me? I hope readers do ! :] Well, I also miss miss you all but you all are damn bad. Never bother to tag, but somehow I barely have readers -.- I checked my Nuffnang & statistics is like omfg ! :/ Barely anyone actually click!! But to those who actually bother to click, thank you very much ♥ ;> So saddening I see so little people ): For Monday - Thursday, I have been in school school school. All the way, I am stuck in school! But I am just glad my group for PM2 is clear-ed! Woohoo, ! :D I am happy. Well, but of course it is left with the Final Report. That's the final one left (: Oh crap, I receive the 'COUGH' disease which is damn saddening! I hate cough to the max! Know why? B'coz cough cough makes the throat so painful D: Hurting to the max. Ha ha ha , this week is really a long one. & what's best is tomorrow is the favourite day of the week. FRIDAY ! I am missing you :) Tomorrow is Nationa Day Celebration which means I can spend more time with Bf♥ & do studying. Phase Test is coming )): I really loathe it but as a lot of people advise me, "This is life, when you are in school you have exams & tests. But when you go working life, you may not have all this but a lot of politics." Oh well! I do agree, deeply thanks for the advices ;) Really nice to hear. Bf♥ is almost done with everything. Seriously, I admire his hardworking attitude ! Bf♥, spread me some, can? Lately, I've been so mad and crazy over True Blood. I already finished Season 1 & already heading Season 2's ending. Omg, I totally the show a lot! Quite dumb, uh? Well, I am like mad over that show.

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True Blood ♥
Sookie: "Why should I continue seeing you?"
Bill: "Because you will never find a human man you can be yourself with."
Awesome series ! :D Omg, I am like so addicted to the show completely. Mad love the show like hell! :D Completely awesomezxc! Okay, I have been so madly in love with the show. I told Bf♥ and he can't bothered! Ha ha, my Bf♥ simply doesn't fancy Vampire Stuffs :/ So bobian, ! I am the only one watching -_- I love that show soooo much ! I am even reminiscing the show again. In fact, at the beginning of my show it is like so mexican cos it is uber funny! Their slant make me laugh my ass out. But seriously, as I continue watching I got more & more hooked. You know like being some addict, madly gluing on the screen to see each single scenes despite there're quite abit of 'ahem ahem' stuffs :x Okay, if you are very conservative person please do not watch :) Ha ha ha! Bad for your eyes, b'coz there are oozing blood, sucking blood, and all sorts of stuffs *_* Okay, I am giving my hints on this show. Watch the show & you get it ;D

Well well well, weekends are here & time to chiong all my stuffs. I am almost done with ETD Powerpoint Presentation. I am going to bed real soon. But thankfully that is almost done. Gotta simply just clear my BAD. Maybe I am starting tomorrow. Ha ha . :) I managed to take photos today! I took with my girl-friends :> Joelle & Celia With the help of Mingen, managed to take with the two of them together :> Well, I don't wish to elaborate what happen to Friday. :) I will upload the photo when I have the time, I just wanna update and go already. Sleepy ): I am like a freaking tired pig for this week . So therefore, I must build back or else I look like a zombie. Fuck all the shit in my life & thank you for all the love in my life. :< Oh well ~ I just gotta stay happy! Ohyaa, I watched Socerer's Apprentice yesterday! Remember the free complimentary tix I won? I finally watched yesterday with Bf♥ & his family. :] Happy~ I met Muffin yesterday & that means I stayed over at Aunt! :D had long chats with cousin. I ♥ her to the max :D Okok, talk less now. I really must go already. Haaaaa. Kthxbye! :] new word.

& I can't bring myself to lose you at all
I know I really am a bloody fucker.
But I really wish we can be together now and forever.
Nothing else matters except you, love.
Today although I know I am really fucking late,
But my head is only you, just being with you.
It is fine with me not eating lunch.
As long as I can see you and love you,
I am happy already, seriously.
Nothing else can change my love for you.

Fck you. Please. Seriously, fck you! What's with the fcking world, everything is about the fcking word, MONEY. Now my fcking allowance got to be cut b'coz of National Day?! What the fcking is this? What logic? Everything also money. Yes, I am saving up for my Bf♥'s 21st but does that mean it also have to drag into my allowance. Please, expenses are fcking high this days & you expect to survive with that amount?! What the fcking. Yes, you are stressed up, not working but fcking understand me, can? All you can is fcking blame me for all the shit, fcking hell. I did nothing, yet you blame everyone inclusive of Bf♥. What's your problem? Do you actually know his family treat me so good by cooking for me, not complaining yet you fcking saying I go dating, I anyhow spend. Yes I do claim from you but I am controlling all my expenses damn fcking tight. You see nothing and you fcking curse and swear at me. What the fcking hell is wrong with you? I am always your fcking eye sore which you always not happy. No matter how not happy you are, I also try to control myself. Yes, my attitude suck to the max, but I am controlling. I have a fcking bad day and you just have to do such a thing. I love Bf♥ a lot, please stop saying unreasonable stuffs, fcking shit. ): All I want is just a happy family, I really want that. I want the daddy who cares for the family, talk to me, bring us overseas. I want the mum who will call and ask how're you, not always money. I want my family back. Do you know sometimes I hope my family will just be a broken one, at least this is less painful that a family which doesn't feel like one anymore. What is the fcking wrong?! ):

P/S ; Human are fucking weird creature, I am so sick of trusting. Helping = causing more problems. The more you help, the more you get stabbed in the face. ): What's wrong?! I can't stand it, pissed off! Damn !@#$%^&*()_+ , no matter what humans are fucking weird! I conclude that.

