W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
YOG Opening at Simei ITE
Sunday, August 15, 2010 AT 6:29:00 PM ★
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I Am Still A Teenage Girl Who Will Cry When I'm Sad, Smile When I'm Happy
I have decided to cast away the laziness inside me & update my blog. :> I know I have delayed for a day already! Or maybe even a week. But here I am to update my blog, as promised. Well, I only edit some nice photos of that day! So therefore, please don't whine if its ugly or small. Blame Daddy's camera, not my fault. I bet everyone is like 'Finally, the long anticipated post is here'. Muhaha, I shall talk less & type more. But before that, I'm going to finish up my work this week! :] 2 weeks of holiday, so much things to do ): Emo shit! :< But still, I have to make full use of time! Later, I shall carry on with my BAD Mini Project. I want to faster clear my on hand stuffs! ^-^ I will update photos after I typed! Okay, shall start!

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Sunday, 8th August 2010
A big occasion for Simei ITE, one of the biggest event is held here! :>
It is none other than the TorchBearer of Singapore Youth Olympic Games will be travel here and lighted up.. Definitely one very big event for Simei ITE. So now, I am going to say what happen on that very day! :> Yea, Bf♥ and I went there together. Bf♥ drove me over to Simei ITE. Okay we reached there around 4.30pm in the afternoon. Scorching hot sun burning through the skin. Sweats dripping down everyone's face but everyone is patient enough to wait to prepare to go in and see the flame being lighted up :) Waited for around 5pm then finally Bf♥, Zhenwen and I managed to go in. We're one of the lucky 3000 people to be able to go in and get a free goodie bag. Woot, three cheers for us (Y).

We are super lucky to go in despite there are a few very LJ people there. Woot, after that we got free Coke Zero over then we started browsing our Goodie Bags :) Woah, there are quite a number of goodies. Got biscuit, leaflets, muffins, bun etc etc :) Well, after that I asked Bf♥ to camwhore with me. Been 1234567890 months since I took pictures with Bf♥. :) Haha, actually Bf♥ other friends want to come but they gave up eventually cos too many people. Around 6pm, the event officially begun. (Y)

Firstly, we hear both the hosts talking & I can definitely feel the excitement. What's more, that's the first time I have ever enjoyed such things! Omg lah! :)) Then, after they finish talking. The First Performance begun :) It is none other than the two cute cute Mascots start coming && waving hands at everyone :D Superb cute! Haaaa, after that the Second Performance is done by the Cheer leaders! :] Omg, the songs are damn hawt & they danced really magnificent! :] I am not kidding, I must really say that SIMEI ITE's cheerleading is marvelous. Really great! :] They even won Gold for some competition.

After that, proceeded to the Third Performance of the day, it was some Band which performed 2 songs on that night. :) I don't quite remember but one of them is 'No Boundaries' by Adam Lambert. But they couldn't carry on cos of the microphone so then the host come back and talk talk. If I ain't wrong, the Guest of Honor came. It is none other than Senior Minister, Goh Chok Tong. Amazingly, right? He came but I barely see, just a glimpse. Super duper cool :) Then, later the Fourth Performance was by a girl from Singapore Idol ; Top 10 :) She sung 'The Climb' by Miley Cryus! :] Kyaaa! Then, followed by some dancing by a group of people. There are quite a number of dancers ._. But I can't remember their names or what. The Fifth Performance was guys hitting the drums then at the field was filled with people playing the different sports at Singapore Youth Olympic Games. After that, it was a speech by Mr Bruce Poh :) I think he is the head of ITE, not principal. He talked a bit then carrying on with the Performance. The Sixth Performance was dancing again but I don't know what's it :> The dancing was styliooo ! :]

Moving on, the Seventh Performance was dancing again ._. But different stuffs. I think it is some Brazilian dancing, pretty nice & fresh. My school is definitely talented with people! Superb! Enjoyed watching although I don't quite get it :x After that, the Eighth Performance was done by Fengshan Community Centre :) They danced some Chinese stuffs with swords, :] Quite cool, ! After which, the flame is finally arriving!! The hosts introduced the people who's going to take the torch and run the 100km :) Three people in total. The excitement was filled in the air!! :D Omggg, I still remember when it is finally reaching, the happiness was more and more exciting. It was finally handed over to Mr Goh Chok Tong. & The flame was lighted up, at last!! :D OMGGG!!

The last event was a speech by the Senior Minister himself. :) He gave a speech then finally the event has come to a closure. Bf♥, Zhenwen & I left the place. Bf♥ drove back then we three headed to Tamp 1 to find his friends :> Woot, dinner time finally come & I finally get to eat (Y) That was my first meal of that day! :] Ohya, met up Mingen & Celia awhile on that day! ;] Lol, so coincidence~ Actually, I am lazy to type at the earlier of the day, I just jumped straight to this! Muhahaha! Woo, time for picture! :D

Pictures! ♥
- Sorry if the pictures are abit too small )):

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The Goodie Bag Bf♥, Zhenwen and I got.

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I love this Banner quite a lot, super duper cute

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Coke Zero! :D

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Venue of the Day!

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The two Mascots, Lyo & Merly

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Peformance 1 : Cheerleading :D

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Performance 2 : Singing :D

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Performance 3 : Singing :D

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Performance 4 : Dancing :]

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Performance 5 : Dancing :]

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Performance 6 : Martial Arts by Feng Shan Community Centre (:

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That's the Senior Minister :>

& It is easy to forget but difficult to forgive
What can you do when you hurt one so badly
Yet you want his/her forgiveness but he/she is only willing to forget
But simply just remembering all the upset things that has happened
Upset things come and attack anytime they want
But is there a way to actually stop the pain and move on?

Memories are always the best but it can make you from happy to sad or sad to happy. I have many memories with many people. But they are only three important people in my life. Winnie, Vivian and Desmond. They're the best people in my life. I may lose many but I never wish to lose anymore. I miss her much but she will never know. I know memories can never come back again but at least, I once have all this memories. If I can live my life once again, I don't mind cherishing her all over again. Years passed, memories will always stayed. I know they are never coming back again but at least I have those memories in my heart before. Yes, I love my Boyfriend but I always love my friends and everyone. Names are like Denise, Weiqiang, Jonathan, Caiyu, Celia, Joelle, and many others. I will always have you in my heart.

P/S ; These are the photos :> Well, there are more but I am going to upload liddat only! :D Most likely I will upload at my Facebook :)

