W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
21st Birthday of my Boyfriend (:
Monday, September 27, 2010 AT 12:43:00 AM ★
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Cuteness Anywhere Everywhere, Cute & Innocent
Big Celebration of Boyfriend♥'s 21st birthday & the actual day! :D
Yesterday, I updated about Daniel's 15th birthday! :3 Now, I will update on 18'09'2010 & 21'09'2010. & this will be one of my feat'd posts. (: Hehe, I am going to feature birthdays as one :] Rawr, Boyfriend♥'s birthday was a huge oneee! ^w^ Although there are not much friends of Boyfriend♥ but it is still a wonderful celebration. Awesome celebration (Y)

18 Sept 2010 ♥♥♥♥♥
Big big big celebration at Boyfriend♥
's house! I woke up early in the morning, get prepared to his house. That day was the first time I worn my Red Giordano Polo Tee I bought. Couple tee of us! ^-^ He got the Black Giordano Polo Tee whereas I worn the Red Giordano Polo Tee. (Y) So I got prepared to head down to his via MRT then Bus. B'coz I got no train! :< So I've no choice but to take train to Khatilb then take Bus 969 to his house :B Okay, then I reached Boyfriend♥'s house :D Reach early then his door wasn't locked. Was greeted by his dad ._. Then I handed the Red Packet Mum gave him. After handing to him, watched him surf the net :3 Lol, was utterly bored! I sit there and rot while seeing him use the net. I think he surf rather longg.

Then after that, Boyfriend♥'s house has officially become a DJ House. Filled with music. He is always so in with Music~!! ;DD Rotted at his house so longgg. :x Apart from me, the first one to arrive was his Granny {His dad's side}. All of us were utterly bored b'coz no one come, there's nothing to do at all :3 We decided to have a nap. I didn't sleep at all b'coz Fion text Boyfriend♥ then I used my phone to chat with her instead~ Waaaahh, Fion & CherylJIE will come later :< Emo to the max(!) After that, Boyfriend♥'s Mum offered me bee hoon. Okay, ate abit, watch teevee~~ Rotted like nobody's business. Took awhile, then he woke up ;) Finally, there're going to be people flocking in. About 4 - 5plus then, there're people flocking in~ That is uber longggg can :/ Then after that, went downstairs to find Boyfriend♥'s Best Friend ; Anson. Headed downstairs after awhile, saw them lerh. Then, I headed to the Bus Stop to find CherylJIE & Fion. xD Waited for almost 10 mins, finally they have arrived! Omg! They told me that got a few people from the bank kept chasing after them just to do one survey. What the heck lorh. They pull CherylJIE's food just to do. Pig can, how can they do such a thing?!!?!?! Went over to find Boyfriend♥ and his Best Friend. ;D Met up already, then his Best Friend go already! ): He will come over later. D:

Sadded to the max, then left with Boyfriend♥, CherylJIE, Fion and me only! :B all of us decded to play the Monoploy Card Game ^-^ He bought it, then we started playing :D I didn't won a single matchhh. ): Overall, it is still F-U-N! (Y) Enjoyed myself many many!! :] Then, CherylJIE & Fion started playing Nitendo WII. Weeeeeet, !!! See them play, funny ttm! ;D Then after that, relatives of Boyfriend♥ start coming and coming. Imba!! Finally got people start coming alreadyyyyy :3 Weeeee! At last, not bored anymore. Lol, well more people, the more entertaining, rather than sooo quiet! ): Woohoo, finally finally finally!!! Hip hip hooray! Then, after that more people are flocking in. Relatives & Boyfriend♥'s friends {Chester, Chester's girlfriend & Anson}. :D Hehe, I was in charge of entertaining CherylJIE & Fion cos Boyfriend♥ have to entertain his friends. Weeeeet, camwhored with them too along with Yelena! :D

Took many many photos & I'll be uploading them~ Omggg, ! CherylJIE, Fion, get ready to see your photos (Y) Hooray! Okay, then we camwhored then around 7pm, CherylJIE and Fion gotta go already! ): Supaaaa fast (!!) Then, I peii CherylJIE & Fion over to the bus stop ^-^ Waited for a while, then bus come already :B Guess what? While on the way back to Boyfriend♥'s house, his parents come back! Omfg lah! D: They have bought the amazing cake ): CherylJIE and Fion go too fast lerhhhh. Emooooo!! :'< Then, off we go. Then after awhile, its time to sing 'Happy Birthday' song. :)) Hehe, time for my beloved Boyfriend♥ to go all shyyyyy! :x Sweetness! :< Then, time for the preparation of the cake cake When the cake was open, my reaction was TOTALLY oh my gawddddd! Awesome lorh~ (Y) The cake was soooo huge !! 2kg somemore! :x Prima Deli derh! VERYYY BIGGG cake ^^ If you see the post I wished Boyfriend♥ Happy Birthday, you can see that supaaa big cake :B Hehe, the thought of it make me filled with ENVIOUS! :x I want to have such a huge cake too, vanilla sponge! Okay I am dreaming. The actual day of my 18th was one of the worst. So yaaaaa! ): But the celebration was great, enjoyed the food at Seoul Garden :B Sometimes I do wonder what will my 21st be like~ :/ Thinking too much already! Err, then got a lot of photo taking session with Boyfriend♥ & his cake :) My love is sooo cutee && totally awesome! (Y) Madness !! I totally ♥ the look of him and he is veryyyy kawaii~ I love love love love to the max! :] Hehe. Okay, finally sing birthday song, take photos then cut cake already :B Each of us got a slice & it is delicious! :] Hehe, although it is very creamy but the key was soooo good ^.^ The key is the shape of the AWESOME cake! ;) Hahahaha, many photos were taken.

Tell you something retarded!
Boyfriend♥ was the one who did that to me ._.
Chester, Chester's girlfriend and Anson are just disturbing Boyfriend♥ only. :) Then, one for all, all for one, I got smashed in the facee :< Saddening, right? Hurriedly I go wash my face, both of us wash wash wash :> Thankfully I never take that unglam picture!! Or else I seriously want die already! :x Too unglam ttm! Hmm, terribly unglam like hell! :x So ya, that's why! :B Emo shag Oh well~ Okay, but Boyfriend♥ is forgiven ^-^ I forgave him since he feels so guilty! :x Lol~! ~.~ Okay, then slacked awhile then off I went to shower b'coz my body is sticky sticky one ): Emo like hell! :< Hahahaha! Bathe finish lerh jiu accompanied Boyfriend♥ & his friends to Anson's place then go to don't know whereee to fix their car car~ :D I think they went to put grounding. Hehe then we reached there, they start doing wheras Chester's girlfriend and I went inside the room whereas the guys are outside seeing their own cars. Both of us started chatting, chatting. Women's favourite!! ;D So no choicee, yak yak~ Chat about her lives, chat about Poly, chat about every other thing! So lameeeeee ! :B Hahaha, but so bored, still cos our boyfriends were outside -.-

I've been pretty much thinking about should I take up Full time poly or Part time poly.

Finally around 11pm, they are done & I am off to Aunt's house for a stayover. Well that night, I didn't sleep early. :x B'coz I went to watch some show with Aunt & had chit chat session with cousin ^^ Of course, play with Muffin! :D Totally cute-ness! ;DD Being able to see Muffin and Michelle is the best damn thing ♥♥♥ After that, around 3am time to sleep. :] Had some itchy feeling, took me supaaa long before I can really sleep :< Alright. 18'Sept'2010 is a MEMORABLE night

21st Sept 2010 ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you, Boyfriend♥
Happy Birthday to youuuuu!

Boyfriend♥ is officially 21 years old already! :)
Must clap hand, ok! :B Hehe, that day we decided to meet at 12pm. I woke up around 9am & time to get ready. Took me supaaaa long to decide on my clothes! :B Okay, then I wore what I think its nice. I left house around 10.30am in prevention of being late. Weeeeet, I was sooo early! About half an hour early. We went Funan first, went walk walk :D Well, see electronic then we go Suntec to find food. Breakfast & Lunch not takennnn! So we decided on eating Astons. Cheap & Simple. But it take ages for our food to come. I was busy staring at the Supervisor, kinda cute (Y) But what caught my eyes was he was freaking fast collecting plates & clearing the table. I kept staring at him, but Boyfriend♥ didn't know :x Lol, then we went to Suntec to catch Stitch but before that, went to see Royce Chocolates! :) I want to buy !! >< But I must not! Chocolates are fattening! After that, we spend about $10 to catch one bigbig Stitch. No worries I will upload pics! :B Hahaha. We also got one mini one, SUPAAA KAWAII! Then catch lerh, Boyfriend♥ say he want to try the one at Marina. Then after that, both of us walked over there. To our dismay, that side the machine is so !@#$%^&*()_ ): So yaaaa, then we spend a few bucks then off we go. :) Haha, we decided to head down to Orchard.

Orchard Road !!
Haha, been ages since I went there. Memories of that day I say wrong things to Winn lingers around ): So ya, must smile smile. Then, we hang around there awhile before we decided to sit down and rest. :) Hehe. Rest for quite awhile before heading down to Far East Plaza, Lucky Plaza etc etc. Guess what? Boyfriend♥ bought me inside many branded shop !!! I was so interested in Burberry's wallet! && many others. OMG! TOTALLY AWESOME! Crazy to the max! Then, I got myself one hair band, sliver colored. Awesome (Y), I like that hair band a lot. :D I should have buy the Pink colored one at Chameleon ): But it is must more expensive. The sliver one is $2, whereas the pink one is $3.90. I dare not spend extra cash D: So yaaaaa. Regret ttm! D: Okay, ignore that. Then finally we saw Teng Zhen Wen. :) Off we headed down to The Heeren b'coz our dinner is over there :B Haha, slacked there, took pics there for awhile before it finally reaches 6pm. Zhenwen, Boyfriend♥ and I went to Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant for dinner. :D haha, the food was great. Got sushi, got waffles, got fondue, got tea, got soup && loads of delicacies. Boyfriend♥ even patiently dig all the meat for me in the Salmon's head. Sweet to the max, ♥♥

Love die him (: After that, we started eating and eating! Ate till about an hour or so till of us are soooo bloated (Y) We are all so full, uh! ^^ I can feel like as if my stomach can't stuff anything already! ;] Hahaha then Boyfriend♥ and Zhenwen to go elsewhere to find Anson. I didn't tag alongg b'coz I was too full & need a rest. So off they go, then off I go ^.^ Lol~ Hehe, carrying the bigbig Stitch & smallsmall Stitch. After that, jiu soon after I am off home. Reached home quite early. Went off to shower then waited for Boyfriend♥ to call :D Lol, so retarded. What I must say is 'Happy Birthday to you!'. Hahahaha.

I am finally done with 21'Sept'2010.
Enjoy reading~!! ((:

Time for Pictures, people!

18 September 2010

Me on the way to find him ((:

The LiL pressie that I was going to give him, the Front.

The LiL pressie that I was going to give him, the Back.

A picture taken with Boyfriend♥ at his bed, nothing better to do

Fion, CherlyJIE, me & Boyfriend♥


My love of my life, I ♥ you.

21 September 2010

Kiseki the kawaii SUMO~

At Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant :)

Small Small one ^^

Big Big one ^^

The two Stitches~ :D

Formula 1 Car :D

The Pink shoes he gotten for me.

My love & me :D

Group photo, is it nice?

Boyfriend♥, I love you alot although sometimes I really hate you so much. Yes we have a lot of rubbish happening in between us. But sometimes a minor misunderstanding can cause us to fight like nobody's business but I want you to know that I love you. Yes, a lot of things sucks like hell. But I just want you to know loving you is all it matters. There are things I am not happy about, things you are not happy about. But still, we are just as loving as always. Yes, we can ignore each other like nobody's business. We can fight/quarrel or whatsoever. Just need you to know despite all that, our love towards each other is strong as an ox. I want you to know, I love you always. Yes, we have gone through a lot. Thicks and thins. We are going to reach our 2nd yearsary. I don't wish to expect anything between us, yet await slowly when things are right. Because I want nature to take its course. Well, coming to this long stage with you is indeed a long one, but I have no regrets. Loving you is never a mistake. Yes, forever doesn't exist but I just love the way you are. Love you each sec, each min, each hour, each day, each month, each year. But regardless what it is, just loving you. Love you whatever it is. Things that cause us to fight/quarrel are not what I want. But things happen unexpectedly, but we can't expect much. Things happen the way it is. We can't fight with fate, or what. Just be who we really are. Yes, I maybe 18 years old, you are 21 years old. I might be dumb, I might be stupid, but I need you to know I will try to be older, grow older and have better matured thinking. Love, we still have a long way to go. Just need you to know, you are all that's enough. I will change and I hope you change and be more accepting towards things. Let's last long with loads of love and be the happy happy Desmond Toh & Danielle Teo. We are in love and let the flame keep glowing glowing.

Desmond Toh {} Danielle Teo

& You have officially reach 21 years old,
The silver age have finally finally come.
Want you to know that your wishes will come true
Always stay happy and cute, smile with happiness.
I will always love you to the max

- Sorry I delayed this post like nobody's business. I dragged almost 2 - 3 days just to finish this post. So therefore, I hope you to take your time to read this post. The supaaa lengthy one. :B

