W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Daniel's 15th Birthday
Friday, September 24, 2010 AT 12:05:00 AM ★
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I Engraved Each Single Important Person Inside My Heart As A Star
Moshi Moshi! (: I'm back to blog. Did anyone happen to miss me? I am so going to blog about this past week. ;) I enjoyed myself loads loads, xoxo ♥♥ Well, despite having ups and downs but all things are well already, I hope. Had a amazing week.

- Friday {10'09'2010} ; My 23rd Monthsary with Boyfriend♥ & big celebration of Boyfriend♥'s brother ; Daniel's 15th birthday.
- Saturday {18'09'2010} ; Had a big big celebration at Boyfriend♥'s house to celebrate his 21st birthday.
- Tuesday {21'09'2010'} ; Had a mini celebration for Boyfriend♥ cos its his actual birthday.
- Wednesday {22'09'2010} ; Out to Compasspoint with Boyfriend♥ & his family.
- Thursday {23'09'2010} ; Went out in the evening with Boyfriend♥ for a short meet up.

Lol, almost everything is with Boyfriend♥~ :/ Oh well~ I enjoyed myself loads for this few days. After exams, the relaxation. Hehe, I got a new drama I am watching already ^^ It Started With A Kiss 惡作劇之吻. Okay, not bad! :) The show not bad, uh :) Funny & hilarious! Okay, no worries I will blog about this few days b'coz I got pictures & I am happy! Hahaha, time seriously do flies so quickly. Don't like it , also must like. Almost about 1 week since exam pass. So quickly! :< Hahaha. Well, I will update slowly ! && I hope you guys enjoy the post.

10'09'2010, Sat
Firstly, I must say Happy 23rd Monthsary, Boyfriend♥


Happy 15th Birthday to you, Daniel aka XiaoDi

Hehe, I enjoyed myself to the max on that day! (Y) Have you seen the cute cute cake? Awesome-ness! :D Okay but that day I didn't enjoy myself much much b'coz on the 13th Sept, I am having exam. So yaaaa. Was whining and dragging this post for freaking longggggggg :< Sorry readers! :< Okay, well that day I was the first to arrive at Boyfriend♥'s house. Well, the day before, I collected Daniel's birthday pressie {Onto Earpiece}. :D After that, gave him ^^ Waited for people to start coming, couldn't study much. I got this really weird habit of unable to study when I am at people's house. Soon after, people start to flock into the house. Slowly, many people start to come! OHYA, that day happen to be first day of Hari Raya. Boyfriend♥ drove us to Tamp to collect the cake which you can see on top. Nice, right? I love the Stitch ! 1.5kg! Then, the food was prepared by Boyfriend♥'s mom. Yummy && delicious food (Y) I like ~ Hehe, her food are niceeeee. I ate once then, I enjoyed myself supaaa much. ♥♥. Then, after that I spent most of my time either using the comp, sitting around, relaxing myself. :< B'coz the whole house is supaaa noisy! I only manage to study less than 15 mins. Total stupidity! :( EEEEYEEEER! That day, I felt guilty for not studying. ><|| What the shit! Okay. Later I tell you what happen ._. Kay, then relaxation till at night. Around 9pm, Boyfriend♥ sent me off to Pasir Ris or Tamp {I can't remember}. Then trained home. :) Sorry about the blur-ness of the photos, can't say why. Sorryyy! :< Okay as for Daniel's birthday, I show you the pics! ;D Enjoy looking~ ^^ Image and video hosting by TinyPic
The AWESOME Cake! :D

Photo individually! ((:
I combined everything.
Haha, sorry for the blur-ness! :x

Boyfriend♥ & me. :)
Our lil lil picture of love ! (Y)

That's all :D Haha, I've combined all the photos in one. Right now, I actually remember each single details. Okok , I tell you 'What happen after not studying?'. After that day, I chionged for 2 days straight to study! I went soooooo berserk can :/ Mugg-ed damn hard for that few days! BONKERS ARH! But still, the paper is over & must be happy! Weeeet! Heading onto the next post. :)

In fact, I have decided to separate both posts. Today's post is about Daniel's birthday. As for the tomorrow, it will be Boyfriend♥ one. Wanna like feat'd Boyfriend♥'s birthdays! :) So await tomorrow's post! :D I am done with his brother one.

Will update 18'09'2010, 21'09'2010', 22'09'2010 & 23'09'2010 tomorrow or something ^-^

& It's your love.
I hate all shits from us
But I love the sparks we have.

