W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
A day out myself.
Thursday, September 16, 2010 AT 9:31:00 PM ★
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Sometimes Being Alone, You Realize A Lot Of Things
Konichiwa, today I have pictures to upload (: Well, I am going to blog about yesterday. Went shopping & I am so contented. Very happy!! :D Sometimes buying the things for the one you love is better than you buy things for yourself. That's what I wrote in my Facebook. Honestly speaking, I spent on my beloved Boyfriend♥. Supaaa contented! :3 In fact, I was supposed to hunt another pressie && help mom buy her stuffs. (: I slept like pig yesterday, maybe for this past few days. Hehe, chiong drama all the way. Slept uber late, ask me I tell you. :] Hehe, watched Mars & Summer's Desire. In fact, I am finishing Mars soon. Oh dear ): It's like, I might not have shows already. Hmm, okay let's talk back about yesterday.

Shopping Spree ._.
Lol, lameee! :/ Okay, like I mentioned in a post few days ago. I will be hunting pressie. Happy happy (Y) b'coz pressie is bought & I am very contented :D Shhh, I am not going to reveal. You see the pics, you will know ;) But they are not the MAIN pressie :x B'coz it is not with me. Aww, right? ;x So too bad! Boyfriend♥ knows nothing. Well, I spend like 2 - 4 hrs shopping at Lot 1. Just one place, I can walk here and there xP amazingly! I spend only $1.45 on myself. I buy... yummy sweets from Mini Toon. For the first time in my life, I go to all this cute cute store, nothing caught my attention. I wasn't tempted or even interested -.- Haha, first time! :/ Okay, then I walk like happily almost to each store. (: Although the feeling is lonely but I know I have to be independent. So walk walk walk. Omg lah, ONE of the item I buy without even thinking long. I just buy -_- Wtf?! :< It is limited edition. Stitch & Angel's Pencil Box, I guess? Only got 500 pcs worldwide! :> So I am one of the 500 person ;D yay! I spend quite a lot, I think it reached $50 :x So long since I spend uber much $$ (: I wanted to buy shoes for myself but cannot D: Those people don't have my size!! :@ Angry can !! Okay, I am so going to buy 恋空 Book 10! Supaaa angry can :/ Know why? Now Lot 1 Comics Connection sells ONLY FULL SET for $65 D: last time they always sell like one book $8.90. They only have ONE SET! So I must go elsewhere and buy! D: Wtfffff! So I have to go other places & buy already! :'( Emo to the max. Goodness gracious, I WANT THAT BOOK! Boyfriend♥ will kill me if he sees this :< Hehe, oh ya. Something funny happened! I went hunting balloons from one store to another store. Went popular, went anywhere, just cannot find balloons. Then I happily go to Prima Deli hunt. The lady tell me 'Maybe you can try Kiddy Palace'. I am like 'OMG ! When was the last I go Kiddy Palace?' *Stunned* Haha when I was younger, I always go there to see Barbie Dolls. Crazy, right? :< But yaaaaaaaa, I always Barbie Dolls b'coz they're so pretty! :3 The way they dress up especially. Sister always have a lot of them and I always get jealous. :x But then, I will never request from my family or what b'coz I put a front that I hate them. Muhahah :x Weird, right? But still, no choice. I am a freaking weird person. Boyfriend♥~

I do hope he loves the pressie. Hopes so. Okay, don't wanna think so much. Woot, I buy balloons for Boyfriend♥! :D Haha, that's for his birthday! Part of the gift. Sadly to say, I have to start blowing! ): Been so ages since I blow balloons :< Omg ~ D: I can't imagine ~~ Later I breathless, omg omg! Okay, countdown to 3 more days to Boyfriend♥'s birthday celebration! :] Hehe. ^w^ I am feeling like uber happy! Okay, now just in hope of something good. Jeez, I am afraid of the outcome. Don't need to understand what am I talking, b'coz only I get it :D Lol. Wishes that he will love it. Okay, I don't expect any reaction. Just in hope that he loves it.

Haha, Lot 1 is always the best. ((: Maybe cos that's what I truly think. I have so many memories with WYYY there and most importantly, I live there and always live there. :> Hehe, that's reality! I can't deny them, yet I must face them. ^-^ Jeez, tomorrow imma heading down Boyfriend♥'s house. ;D Lalalas, I want to do many things~ But it seemed that no one will accompany me! I miss having the feeling of 'going out with friends'. Probably cos I have not been going out for damn long! ): Hahaha. Okay cut that emo shit, I am like have to be positive! :D Wooo! Hehe. Okay time to upload pictures. I want go chiong my drama and Bejeweled Blitz. :D Ohyaa, there are random pics too! xD
Until next time, people! :3


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The 1st packet balloons I bought.
Popular. Supaa miserable! Only 6! :< Image and video hosting by TinyPic
The 2nd packet balloons I bought.
Inside got 30 pcs. :)

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Sweeeets!! :D
Mainly I buy are strips! AWESOME! (Y)

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Just a random necklace, $3 at the BlueZ ((:
I got a plain one so can use it for my pendantss!!! :3

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Stitch & Angel
Limited edition, you know!! :D

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The variety of items, :]
So simpleeee, uh? Sadness! :< Now..., I am going to show 2 pics of myself! :D Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Me, myself and I before exams :x
Mugg-ed hard, >< IF YOU NOTICE, I got like one bad eye on the left!! )):
The shag-ness inside me!

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After exams & taken yesterday! :x
I look a lot happier :x Hahaha too much stress alr!

Haha got to go already! :3 I am done posting :) I didn't change much, just happier. Sometimes I am happier just being with myself. Need no one, just myself. :D That's one of a joy I feel recently. :x Oh well, until next time!

& Maybe I am better with myself.
Maybe, Maybe but I guess soo too.
Just stick the way I am living, that's enough.

