W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Saturday, September 04, 2010 AT 12:55:00 AM ★
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I Will Engrave Your Name In My Heart
BAD Test, ETD Project, DBA Test, Exam, Practical Assignment 3. They're coming! :< Been sooo busy! So busy, mugging hard with Boyfriend♥. Jeez. he cleared like things faster than me. I spend practically the last few days before Friday to study and memorize for my DBA Test. Total madness! :< I can't believe I actually vomit everything, throw everything. ): Jeez, so crazy! I will go mad, honestly. I have contracted the crazy flu lately D: Mugging madly like a fool >< Seriously, I am stressed up for everything especially exams. I bet my class is feeling exactly the same way as me, and even Boyfriend♥. Oh well :< Left with a few more than to the FINAL EXAM

Omfg! D:
I must calm down already, relax my heart for today & back to study again! I have to chiong!! :< Boyfriend♥ too. All of us are mad, so mad. Today I had two major thing. Presentation of my ETD, & DBA Class Test! Three cheers!! :] B'coz it is over, && time to settle the rest. I know will go mad, but I have to bear with it. Well, Boyfriend♥ and I are equally mad but he is smart! I must say that! :< Gosh!! :/ Tomorrow I think I am going to start doing that BAD Test. I can't afford to fail anything. Endurance is the virtueee!. Oh dear, havee I complained my HTC Baby is at Korean now? Supposedly it is only my earpiece, now they say it is my phone! ): FML!! I am like so sian lah. I have been surviving some useless phones for this two days! :< No earpiece or what, just phoneee. !! Rawr, my life sucks! Oh well. I don't have anything I can relax yet. I want to do some shopping for clothes && shoes, hate to the max. B'coz I am like so sian-sified. Studying so much ): Okay, my brain was filled with W-O-R-D-S! I guess it is a good sign? Maybe it is good, studying so much is also good lah, one way I can work hard & be motivated. Yawns, Boyfriend♥ is also equally stressed. Thanks to us being sick, it is sooo emo can :/ Well, no choice. Lately, I also have a rough week. Can't even update blog or what. Just facebook awhile jiu back to study. What the heck lah! :< I don't like. Then guess what? My left eye kee siao already, sometimes even both! D: I can get itchy eyes alternate days or even daily! RAWRRR! I also want my period to comeee ^^ Thanks to 'antibiotics', it doesn't come! KYAAA! I really don't like! Emoooooooo can! Hmm, I think after blogging, I am going to play Bejeweled Blitz awhile. Well, either Tumblr or that! :] My way of entertainment! Two modules down and left another two!!! ;] Omgggg! Okay, sound happy + sad as well. No choice. Gosh, I miss my Briceyyyy! He is in school overnight for one dayyyy! :x Hahahaha!

Okay lah, I think I shall talk less and go play my game! I am sian-sified~~! :[ RAWRR, byebye! Hope everything works out fine, I want to be happy. Clear of stress, be glad, be happy, be cheerful. CANNOT STRESS!! Time to study tomorrow, the battle continues

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Babyboy, do you know when you hold my hands I feel nothing but the sense of security you give me. I love you so much, I love the way you make me feel so safe being at your arms. Despite we joke a lot like old couple, but I know maybe that's why I am madly in love with you. Love with you in a way that you can catch my heart off guard. Yes, you are neither handsome nor cute nor charming nor what, yet I just love you inside out. I can't name the reasons I love yet I can say it is your everything that makes me madly in love with you. So special. Despite we fight / quarrel a lot, but we are always back to a square one. You're always doting me in a way that I can't see it. Well, you are not that best damn guy ever yet simply just the best damn guy that can catch my heart. You're my Boyfriend and I guess simple actions you do that make me smile like a fool. We don't behave like those young kids, yet we behave like loving couple. I have many flaws, yet you accept them. Sometimes we are always on the verge of giving up our relationship but it is the memories and happiness that keep our love glowing. Making me want to last with you, be your Babygirl. Yes, Danielle always love Desmond. I can't find reasons to say I don't love you. Yet I can find one million to say I love you. Although they are so stupid, but I love your smiles, your stuffs that can get me so off guard. Well, just to tell you again I love you much much.

Exams are coming, let's work hard together! :)
I ♥ you, BabyBoy♥


& No matter how stressed I feel,
I got to keep going on and on and on!
That's the very best thing I can ever do! :< GOOD LUCK ALL FOR EXAMS/TESTS/PRACTICAL, ALL THE BEST!

