W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
4th Day of IAP
Thursday, October 14, 2010 AT 2:53:00 PM ★
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If You Need Someone To Be There, I Will Be That Someone Specially For You
4th day of IAP! YAY, tomorrow is Friday which is my favourite day of the week ;) Waahh, time seriously flies ! & I am so going to update my 2nd Yearsary photos soon. I've delayed it and completely forgotten to take it from Boyfriend♥. Jeez, I miss him so much despite seeing him yesterday. Lol, since attachment starts, we barely meet more than 8 hrs. Both of us are sooo freaking busy, but still I die die also must make time for that love of mine :D Catch a glimpse of him also shioook ^^ Hehe, in fact today I might meet him again. Somehow I bet he misses me more than I miss him :x Well, he has been such a cutie pie lately & that's why I ♥ him dearly. Hehe, feels like old times~ Gosh, I have been shag to the max when I get home daily. My whole body is omfg tired D: so therefore, I am going to smile smile no matter how tiring I am :D Boyfriend♥ also must take care, kays! :] Nothing must happen to you ~ :< Or else sad die me! Jeekies, I got presentation just now. Scared the hell outta me! ): But it is supaaa scary but thankfully its over. Well, Valerie and I did our homework already :B Hehe, finish it quite fast & here I am ! Lol, blogging! Wooo, I had Mr Bean for breakfast, totally love the awesome cheese thingyyy! (Y) Simple food can be awesome, I swear. Well, then as for lunch I had yummy yummy Fried Chicken Ramen. Was kinda craving for jap food, that's why I ate ramen. LOL, it isn't the Real one, yet the normal chinese noodles. :3 Oh gosh, if I ever is able to take my first pay, I am going to bring Boyfriend♥ to eat Astons Prime. . Haha, the first thing is to spend on my Boyfriend♥ && I am considering to buy many many beautiful clothes instead of buying Ipod Touch! :/ BLAH! I also have no idea, many are psycho-ing me to buy Iphone 3G instead but I ain't thinking :] B'coz I don't want. I wonder what Boyfriend♥ is going to spend on when he receives his first pay :D Wondering neh! :> Hmm, I am so sleepy right now ! ): Jeez, lately I got rashes outbreak! What the fuuuuck, my skin is supaaa itchy, supaaa irrating! )): Then yesterday it was oozing with loads of blood D: Then, my nose went mad as well. Walls of my nose is bleeding like so bad D: Jeez, what's with me & BLOOD?! I am like 'keep bleeding and bleeding' )): Mama mia~ :< I don't want to bleed this much!! :/ I just want to stay alive! :D Gosh, 3 hrs plus for me to be off work. Before that, it is so going to be .... I so don't wanna be in this line of jobbbb! Hell NO! :< I pray I am not in this line!! :X Haha I was bored just now && I took pics at my table! I ain't some chiobu ! My table is one empty shit :] I even bought my very own of Tissue Box to the company! :x B'coz my nose was incredibly nuts! I NEED CHOCOLATES! :x Mouth itchyy again! ): Oh dear!! What's with me? Yawnnn. Okay, see the pics and keep shitty comments to yourself! :D

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My computer and table assigned to me since Monday! :\

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My Logbook along with my exercise book to take notes =.=

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Now its me, I look seriously shagg! :< & When you miss someone so much, You realize time is passing so slow, And you wish you can see that someone immediately. The sourish feelings come and make you all emo and suckish, But the thought of his smiles make you brighten up the whole day :) P/S; I miss you babytoh HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY ADELA!

