W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
37th Day of IAP !
Tuesday, November 30, 2010 AT 5:23:00 PM ★
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Seriously, I Hate Growing Up
37th Day of IAP. Okay, I hate growing up so quickly. I really hate it ): Can someone just cure me?! I am whining like crazy just b'coz I hate growing up. Growing up sucks ): I think I am just being a whiner all of a sudden. When you are a kid, you do not need to care about anything. I hate being a teenager or maybe young adult. As you advances, more & more responsibility enters your life and you gotta grow up! ): The thought of growing up makes me sink. For goodness's sake, I want to stay young forever. Lol silly words, uh? :o But what to do?! I am whining pretty much. 13 more days to endure! So near yet so far, I guess! D: Time is a demon~ Being faster is definitely great but the faster it goes, the faster things are becoming. Tomorrow is the 1st of December! :) Amazingly, being able to go through is a miracle already! Several times, I almost fall. But I really don't wish to fall anymore ): It hurts, okay. I am stubborn but I have to change my character!! Seriously, I think my life is not nice. Love♥'s life is way better than me in all sorts of ways! :] I love his brain a lot despite I do hate his heart at times. Humans love to compare humans, but I honestly hate people who compares. It is supaa pissed off! ): Well, Love♥ is really a smart boy! Probably, that's why he can think so quickly. I think I sucks ): Fml. I think I need a bed right now, sleepness is attacking me. :< No choice, must endure the sleepy feeling inside me and endure another 3hrs plus? :o What the heck~ I want colors in my life!! :<
It is currently so dull & boring! >< Maybe cos I am always stuck here for my weekdays! I will prefer train down to meet Love♥~ Miss him ttm again. :< Omg, I am having the 'I want holidays' mood! Everyday I see my siblings having holidays, I still have to wait. So many more days to endure this !! ): I want to explode already! Omg omg omg! :'< I am so exhausted. Oh dear ): , I am so going to doze off any time soon. Really, it is sickeningly boring~ Hahaha, daily I am doing the same thing, facing the same people. I will prefer looking at my Love♥. Sickening ttm ! Oh well, how much more misery is there to face? Please go away~ I need nothing more but just Love♥ and my happiness {: That's the most important thing. I can only try to do a gazillion things for you but I always have my limits. But too bad, things doesn't go the way you want it to be sometimes. I have been saying this all the way, but no one actually really cares about it. What's the point, right? Oh well, it is so difficult to let 2 hands clap. Both A & B wants the things are completely tough. >< I have no idea how to describe it, but my feelings are confused. I make a decision on that, there're always consequences towards it. Well, that's the price to pay. What to do? This is how it is ! Yawn, I am yawning again. Everyday , I am sleeping lesser than usual. Who can actually give me some words that can put me to bed immediately rather than I always think and think. Okay, insonmia person on alert. I also have no idea what am I thinking daily. It is always 'something' disturbing my sleep, not Love♥ but just some feelings ): I have no idea why but that feeling sucks. So weird, say sweet also not, say sour also not. Aiya, can't describe lah! Okay, I just hope I will be able to drift off to dreamland everyday. I don't understand why is some people so unreasonable. So rigid, so not flexible, like shit! !@#$%^&*()_+. Text me, I tell you why or else don't bother asking. Over my dead body will I ever come back. Hmph, pissed off ! D: What the f?! I don't like the idea of it, the thought of it. Okay, people who spoil you mood are known as mood spoiler. F**k you, tyvm! Love♥ , I want see you ): Miss him so much. I wonder if he misses me? :o Hahaha. Lately, Singapore has been raining so heavily each day. I ♥ wet weather :> But when it is so difficult to walk, I hate it! But I love sleeping in during the rain especially if Love♥ is hugging me to bed :x hahaha. It is always nice having someone watching you to sleep (: Well, I guess I am picking all sorts of random things. Love♥, I love you & I miss you ): Oh well, time is ticking so slow. Long hours are always the sickening one ! :< Damn~ If only Love♥ is beside me now, that will be awesome (Y) Lol, I am like so bored. Can I sleep awhile?! But too bad, it is impossible. IAP is liddat. Oh gosh, hurry up time! Hmm, I am currently rotting rotting. In fact, this is my daily routine. Whatever comes on my mind, I just type and type till I get sick. :) Well, too bad I am still considering about the photos. Lalalas. :> Nothing's special daily, I want dates with Love♥! Can my wish come true soon? It is so tiring ):

I hate it I hate it ! :<
Okay, gimme a chance to freeze time, let me curse you till I shiok. LOL! I am so random, typing whatever is on my mind. I am going off already! Be positive (: So I must, diedie also must! Gimme peace gimme peace!

& You're the drug I need now
I will die without that drug
Totally highly addictive by you.

I have never seen a person like you like that. I hate you seriously. I don't know where are good at. Not flexible, not even sweet, not ever whatever. Anti social. I hate you, I really hate you. What's this manzxc? I don't get it. Does it even make any difference?! I hate you manzxc. You belong to the hater group, tyvm.

