W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Bibi, wo hao xiang nian ni
Monday, November 29, 2010 AT 12:53:00 PM ★
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Every Girl Will Become A Cindrella On Their Wedding Night Because They Look Very Glamourous & Alluring
Howdy! :D here I am again to update my blog! Well, in the end I finally managed to sleep last night at I-don't-know-what-time. What the hell , seriously! >< But thankfully, I did dozed off! But guess what? I am super lack of sleep even right now. Hahaha. Whatever manzxc! I have no idea what to do today. Finally it is already 36th Day of IAP. Ahhh, can it be hurrier ): I don't like the idea of it being so freaking slow! :< Bibi♥, I miss you! I hate it lah I just want time to fly like the wind. Just within 2 more days, it is the 1st December. Goodness! I can hardly believe it lah. Too lazy to add colors in my blog already, just stick to my bold, strong, underlined & italic :) Hehe, so therefore just view the whole range of pink (: Hmm, right now I am not doing anything, just texting my Bibi♥. Lol, I wish today is a weekend, ): B'coz liddat, I can peii my Bibi♥ more abit. Hehe. Ohya, I got a bit of good news. I have decided to quit on a few several things! (;

Things I've decided to quit

  • No more craving of fatty, sugary food.
  • No more doing things behind Bibi♥'s back.
  • No more eating much food at night
  • No more anyhow spending money without Bibi♥'s approval.
  • No more being so indecisive, not knowing what to do like a blur sotong

Hehe, whatever I remember I have already listed them out. Must diedie also remember! :> Hehe, must quit && of course, I want to slim down. Bibi♥ say I am fat ): So therefore, must at least drop a few kilo! ;D Omg, half an hour more to lunch. Hehe, I just started to use the thumbdrive Bibi♥ gave me. Aww, he's such a cutie. Hmm, lately nothing special has been up. Just awaiting for the arrival of happiness & freedom. Come to think of it, I just realized December is just 2 days away! Omg?! && I have no idea when is my period. Oh dear! ): I completely forgot about it. Okay, ignore what I say. Well, my tummy is growling like a little baby! I guess most probably I am just starving. :< Crappish , I miss Bibi♥ again~ It is so weird that my weekdays are not with him. Well, for now I am waiting for my Pay! :D Hehe, it is coming! ^^ I really hope it is the exact amount. Oh my gawd, even Bibi♥ also have it! Hahahaha, yawnn. Nothing's special lately. {: Well, I realized I have been repeating. I have been using computer lesser each single day. Lol, I wonder am I getting bored of the computer? :D I think I am, b'coz the computer is so lifeless. Hahaha, right now I am thinking of a way to kill time! I can't think of any. But do you have any suggestions? :] Well, not easy find entertainment. B'coz there are simply nothing to do. I want a lot a lot of $$ && of course, I want spend $$ for Bibi♥! :> I miss him like from head to toe! ): Sadd-ed! Okay, well. My blog is literally dying. So I have decided to upload one picture!

A picture of myself
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It's taken super long ago. Damn simple derh, so do get used! :] Well, honestly speaking I am a bigbig fan of taking myself despite not being pretty. Well, I have edited photos here & there. Pretty more or less, I am not totally done but I like some. Lol, it is like mainly me? :o Hehe, wanna take more with Bibi♥. :) I hope I have the chance to, provided if Bibi♥ let. :> Hmm, it is already heading towards 1pm. Hahaha half day gone! :B But it is always near to 6.30pm which is the scary part. The lift can be a !@#$%^&*()_+ sometimes b'coz it will automatically open and close, open and close. How annoying can that gets?! Seriously, everyday I am excited to ee Bibi♥ but it's the silly lift that makes me annoyed! :x Okay, well. Nothing's special, uh? All of a sudden, I just realize if my pay comes , what should I do? Hmm, save or spend? :o But at least got some spare cash in my wallet, the feeling is shioooook instead of merely just nothing inside. Last week, I survive like damn less! So far today, I have spend $1.20 ): The thought of me spending and trying to save at the same time, super tiring. Bibi♥ should be feeling just the same way as me ;] Well, there's nothing to update anymore. Enjoy my pic at there :x Well, I am thinking should I upload one as profile picture! :> Muhahaha, see how!

& I miss you ):

