W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
39th Day of IAP !
Thursday, December 02, 2010 AT 9:00:00 AM ★
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The Beginning Of A Month
39th Day of IAP ! Woo, today is already the 2nd day of December. This means that my holidays are approaching! (Y) Happy to the max (: Awesome,~ :D Hehe, well in fact my purpose of blogging today is to welcome December & talk about my beloved BoyBoy♥. That BoyBoy♥ of mine was such a sweetie lately (: Hehe, the best the best . I bet he loves me the way I do. Well, I am so excited to go on romantic dates with him after work everyday. 2 days ago, he was such a sweetie. He bought me pressie, & I was left dumb founded. Rawr, naughty BoyBoy♥! :D Well, as usual I go to work then off work then go meet BoyBoy♥. We went to City Hall two days ago, :) Haha both of us were drenched like soak chicken :x Both BoyBoy♥ and I were whining, then we had KFC for dinner. Mmm, the taste of the Bendito still lingers~ ;] After that, we went to walk walk walk awhile. Headed down to Citilink Mall since we got nothing to do :D Hehe, then we saw Royce Chocolates. BoyBoy♥ and I were busy tasting them. I was wondering he must be buying himself. Cos he loves that chocolate too. :D After purchasing, he simply say 'Here you go, buy for you derh'. At that moment, I was totally stunned there like a fool. Walao, that BoyBoy♥!! He makes me so dumb founded. Naughty BoyBoy♥ :x Omg, that BoyBoy♥ suddenly buy that for me really make me jump!! >< I was so speechless lorh, my whole face is stunned derh neh. Until now, I am like 'Is that really mine?!', I can't even bear to eat ): BoyBoy♥ buy for me derh leh ! ;D Well, he very cute one lorh. :> Know why? Cos he always do things , people only will stunned there nia. :) Hahaha, loves my BoyBoy♥! He's such a cutiepie ! <3 Hm, it shall be my turn to buy him a pressie. Oh dear, talk about BoyBoy♥. I miss him like crazy ): I am always so nuts over him, :< Okay, I am mad.

Thank you BoyBoy♥ for the Royce Chocolates

I love you ! :)
Hehe, that's the best word I can say. Too speechless to say others. Aww, he makes me madly in with him :D Haha, cute cute! Well, that's the first pressie BoyBoy♥ got for me since his pay. xP Stupid BoyBoy♥, makes me so shy! Okay, talk finish about BoyBoy♥. I shall speak about yesterday. I got my 2nd pay yesterday. Not so nice , but overall I accept it.. Oh well, sucks ttm though. :/ Hehe, hugs to BoyBoy♥. Lol. Well, he is such a cutie! ♥♥♥ Hmm, went over BoyBoy♥'s house yesterday. Today, I might be too. :] I bet he is missing me too ! Lol~ Had the worst day yesterday & I guess I also have learnt my mistakes. Sometimes the more you hide, the easier you get to be found out. It doesn't pay to be nice. :/ Oh my gawd, I realized I have been saying 'Reality sucks.'. Haha call me a whiner, :) I seriously think I am one. Oh gosh, ignore the shit. I am still dreaming of my Royce Chocolates. Haha, I spilt into 3 pieces for mom, sis & bro. :) Hopefully they like it. I find the taste is like heaven. Hehe, so heavenly! That BoyBoy♥ of mine really knows how to make me smile. :B okay, nothing's special ~ :D Haha, simple post, uh? I want to camwhore with BoyBoy♥. Hehe, spam spam with my blog of photos of us. ^^ But I got nothing. BoyBoy♥ hardly camwhore this days ): So shitty! Haha, okay. Maybe I shall upload another picture of me, {the one I mentioned}. Considering changing the profile again cos I don't quite like leh. ;x Fickle minded me! Hahaha. Well, I am going off already but I am going to upload the yummy Royce Chocolates BoyBoy♥ buy for me. So sinful yet so delicious (:

Royce Chocolates! ♥♥♥

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Sinful & tasty, that's why I love~

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The packaging is supaaa cool,
Cos they even put ice cooler specially for us so it won't melt :D

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Nama Chocolate ; Best Quality!
Liquor free & Mild Cocoa, next time buy others!

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The box, even with a spoon.
Amazingly, only 9 pieces yet they are the best (:

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Look how beautiful the chocolates is,
I'm above heaven when I eat that.
Oh my gawd, I am tempting for it now !! So beautiful ~~~ :D

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That's my BoyBoy♥ & me.

& I can't stop thinking about you.
You kept me thinking of you every single moment.
I can't imagine why are you so special & unique.
Am I madly in love with you? I guess I am, love.
B'coz you're just that special boy that caught my heart.
I don't need any other love but just you by my side.
Perfect in my eyes, that's enough to let me love you always.
Cos you're that love that I can't stop loving & missing each day even you're beside me.
I don't care what other things, I am just going to fight them all & be with you.

