W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
41st Day of IAP !
Monday, December 06, 2010 AT 12:25:00 PM ★
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Together With You & Me, We Form A Love Story
41st Day of IAP, 9 more days to go ! Go Danielle!! :> Hahaha, how lame. Okay, I blogged last night & here I am again to blog today! :D Well, I am making the effort to blog every now and then. So be contented! Lol, okay whatever -_- Currently, I am just blogging with words. Yeah, I have a fabulous weekend~ :) Awesome (Y) , especially when Bby♥ is by my side. Hehe, muahs Bby♥! :D Well, happy memories always pass by so quickly. When you have a lover, you find time is your greatest enemy. Hahaha, that's why love is such a strong word :) Don't you agree? ;D Well, Bby♥ is so cherished by me (: Hehe, okay. Well, I have a whole loads of fun with him around. In fact, having him around is better than any other thing. Gosh, I am being mushy. 2 days 1 night with Bby♥ is awesome :) I love spending time with him.. :D Well, he may have a fucktard attitude but I have to accept him for who he is. Oh dear, am I talking too much about Bby♥? Well, probably. B'coz everyday I am outside with Bby♥. ;] Bby♥'s parents went Vienam recently for some function. So I get to keep my Bby♥ company! <3 Awww, that's the best. Well, I don't quite bother much just having Bby♥ beside me is enough. :D Hmm, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday I am always with him. Oh gosh, I am thinking of him again. Well, I have photos of Friday not photos of Saturday as they are not with me ): So when I got it from Bby♥, I will upload, okay! :D Hehe, well I also want to edit photos. :) As mentioned earlier on, I have a dozens of photos of myself, :D Just that, I am too shy to upload. Hmm, let me blog about Friday first!

Well, Friday is my 40th day of IAP! Amazingly, that day I got to go off early due to external stuffs :) Then, thankfully I also get to meet Bby♥ after that. Woohoo, ♥♥. Despite having functions, at least I can see my Bby♥. That's enough to make me happy! Oh gosh, I am intoxicated by Bby♥'s love. I wonder did I use the right English Word? :o Hahaha. Okay, as usual I work work work till 1pm. Gotta to go off early. Only late late then I can meet Bby♥. :< Well, so happy that I get to see Bby♥ after my thingy. Went over to Jurong to find Bby♥. Omg, I saw Siqi! She said 'eh!', I said 'Eh!' then we scurried off different paths. Then, I text her saying we were very lame -_- She told me that Cora was in IMM. I was like 'Who's Cora..?' Then I remember, its Randal's cousin! :x LOL! Haaa, Siqi got long hair & I got short hair now ;) Been almost 2 - 3 years since we last met? Love is really strange sometimes.. I wish both of them can go back together.. {RWJW, GSQ} Oh well, ): Okay, then I waited for Bby♥ then I go eat Hong Kong Sun Kee Dessert :) Tried the Papaya with Fungus worth $1.50. :D omg, I burn myself cos it was too hot -_- Bby♥ was surely damn slow! :< Hmm, then after eating I went to Guardian to buy Bby♥ and me a drink ! :D oh dear, that drink costs $1.20. Then the 2nd bottle will ONLY be 1o cents :D hahaha, got one for Bby♥, one for me :D Hehe, hope he likes it. Mmm, mine was great . Bby♥ was kinda eeek. :x What a taste -.- Then Bby♥ and I finally meet, :D We decided to eat Long John Sliver despite I ate earlier on :D haha. Stupid external thingy! :[ Haha, that's for snack bah ;D Hehe, then after that Bby♥ and I decided to head back to Tampines. :D Haha, Bby♥ doesn't like staying in West Area, he thinks its too boring for him. Haha, cute little boy of mine (: After that, we train down to Tampines. Hahaha both of us were eyeing for Facial :) LOL, relaxation for us, uh? :) So we decided sooo long, then we decided on the $48 ; Normal Facial. We booked our appointment at 7.30 :> Oh my gawd, This is Bby♥ and my first time doing Facial :D Oh gosh. Excited~Bby♥ kept saying I am excited, I think he's more excited than me. Lol, still dare to say me! >:) HAHAHA. Okay, then we went to have our Facial. Lol, the ladies were waiting for us. Wah, some part was relaxing, some part was so pain, some part was uncomfortable. But I can grade it 3/5. Haaaa, Bby♥ sure enjoy the massage, uh ! :x Practically, I enjoyed nothing. Guess what? My mom spam call me 2 - 3 calls , Bby♥ as well. She called, just to ask us to find Mouse for her. !@$%^&*()_+ what the f~! Makes my blood boil nia, :< *Curses & Swears*, then finally picked up her call around 8.40pm. ><|| Helped her find her mouse , then home sweet home. Rawr, can't bear to part with Bby♥. Bby♥ called me to chat when I reached home. Chatted awhile then, time for bed. Hehe, packed my bag for Saturday as well \m/ Haha, in for happiness on Saturday with Bby♥! :D Hahaha he knows, I know, you don't know :P

Wellwell, that's how I spend my Friday with Bby♥. :D Well, as for Saturday. Can I keep you in suspense? Lol, well. Come back to today. Yesterday I thought I can sleep!!! :/ But in the end, took me damn long to sleep. But yay yay, I managed to catch 4 ep of Digimon 1. Ahhh, memories come ~ :D Lol, I intend to put my profile picture awhile :) Oh dear, I have been thinking alot lately. When you grow up, responsilibities tends to be heavier. ): How sadden life can be ): Oh well, reality check again ! :D Well, I took a picture of something supaa lame! >< Hahah later then upload. I kept thinking, December is here , means Christmas is coming, Year 2o11 is coming as well. Amazingly fast !! :-) I can't believe time has pass by so quickly~ Okay, I think I shall whine no more. Gotta go, will blog at random timing. As for Saturday & Sunday, it will only be posted as long as I got the pictures! :B Sooo yaa! :D

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Shiook, right? Hehe, I munch munch just now.
Took my own sweet time to slowly eat.
Delicious and great, are you feeling hungry by seeing? ;) Hehe.

& I need you.
B'coz you are the only key to my heart.

When you grow up, you start to realize responsilibites are growing higher and higher. People wants you to fulfill their expectation and you have your own expectation. When you buy yourself a car, you have to invest all your heart into looking after a car cos a car is with you for 10 years. When you marry, you have to invest on a house, prepare spare money for babies, and cut costs on the unneccssary stuffs. As you slowly grow up, things start to be heavier. Burdens will make you worn out but you only can keep moving on. You can't just sit there and wait for money to drop from the sky. When you are a baby, you are so carefree. People give you whatever you want but as you start growing, people expect more and more from you. Life is a cycle, it has to keep going round and round and never stopping. Life will never stop unless something really bad happen wiped out the whole world and left a few only. So therefore, growing up is a challenge of what a person you will be when you grow up.

