W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Bibi, ILY!
Friday, December 03, 2010 AT 12:03:00 AM ★
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I miss Bibi♥ ): I don't like the unhappy feeling I am feeling. I miss him so much, so uncomfortable! Although I just saw him after work earlier on, it is still not enough. I feel like a fool sometimes b'coz I always make Bibi♥ upset. ): I don't like myself sometimes b'coz I really want to make Bibi♥ smile but unintentionally makes him upset. I miss Bibi♥. I wish he is here to convince me to sleep. I am so tired, but I can't sleep. D: I want Bibi♥ to tell me those cheesy and sweet romantic things! But it's like so hard ! I miss Bibi♥ so badly ! I wish I can give him one big huggie. Miss him so badly. I think I am suffering from lovesick, please. I am always missing Bibi♥ all of a sudden. Oh gosh, is this called madness? I guess so. I am so tired, so sleepy, but then I can't seemed to sleep. Bibi♥, you know I really miss you so badly. Bibi♥ is always the best guy that always teach me right things but I always make him so disappointed ): I don't like the idea of it. I hate myself for always being so silly, I want make Bibi♥ happy instead of being upset. I want Bibi♥ to be happy happy one, but then it is like so impossible. The thought of making Bibi♥ upset, I am also very upset! I want make him happy like the way he feels for me (: But sometimes, I am so stupid. Always makes Bibi♥ upset. ): I think I really sucks. I want to be a better girlfriend, a better one. Gosh, I think I am feeling a bit of sadness just b'coz I want make Bibi♥ happy. I hope I can be better for Bibi♥, not making him upset. I want to be the right girlgirl for Bibi♥. Hate myself for always making him upset. ): Really upset. I wish Bibi♥ and I can always be happy but b'coz of me, I am always causing shit ): Want Bibi♥ happy! I really want! I really hope I can cause lesser problems for Bibi♥. Hopefully I can feel happier! I also want him to be happy along with me. I must really change and make Bibi♥ happy beside me. I don't wish to make him upset anymore. I love Bibi♥ and must make Bibi♥ happy. I want the best for Bibi♥ , but I am always so careless. I don't want this relationship to fall cos I love Bibi♥ && I want to last with him. I really hope Bibi♥ and I can go through all this peacefully. I want to be better for him, suitable for him. Rather than being so stupid. Must be smart! He is so smart, so pro, I really want make him everyday happy. As long as Bibi♥ is happy, I am willing to make him smile. He is such a lovely Bibi♥ of mine. I can't imagine a day without him. I am too used to having Bibi♥ around my side. I need him so badly. I am madly in love with him already. I think I am crazy. Oh gosh, this is called madly in love? I have fallen out of love so many times, but I am very glad to have him. He seemed to be the only one who is always making me smile, I really want to change and be better for Bibi♥. I think I am still not good enough, I want to make him smile widely rather than thinking I am so silly. All of a sudden, I wish to do a gazillion of things just to make Bibi♥ happy. It's okay if it is super hard, but I really want Bibi♥ smile happily. Oh gosh, crazily in love. Miss Bibi♥ so badly right now ): I think I am just feeling emotional cos I miss Bibi♥ too much. I hate making him upset. I just want him to smile smile. Bibi♥ is cute, he is the best. Seriously, he is the best. I can't find anyone like him at all. It is so hard to find a guy who will tell you your mistakes. Although he's upset but still willing to see you change. Although Bibi♥'s words are hurting sometimes, but I know it is for my own good. Cos he cares for me. Which person will care like the way he did? Hardly any. All b'coz he's the only one inside my heart, I can't seemed to think of any others to love him like how much I did. Bibi♥ get jealous over little things, get sensitive over me not around and others, but I know he loves me most. I maybe boring, but I really want to change and be an interesting person for Bibi♥. No more making him upset yet happy. I don't want to just talk, yet just to let him be a happy boy. I love him so much. No words can describe the unconditional and unrequited love we shared. They're things we don't like about each other but we put aside our differences together and be as one. Although he always don't like me doing some things. No matter how I wish to do so, but I must control myself. For Bibi♥, everything is worth it. I don't need anyone else but him. He is everything inclusive of a father, a brother,a love, a soulmate and everything you can name of. He's the only one that can makes me crazily in love all the time. I love Bibi♥, always loving him. I wish I wish I can be better. I don't want to just wish, I must do it. Once again, Bibi♥ I miss you so badly! ): Am I going bonkers cos I kept repeating? Oh well~ My love for Bibi♥ is getting stronger each day. Time flies, my love grows and that will never change. I admit I can be irrating , sucker at times , but I love Bibi♥ most. ): I don't want any human at all but you, my Bibi♥. Gosh, am I being too mushy? I hope not. Hopefully thins will be better. xoxo to Bibi♥. I guess I want to end off by saying,
Bibi♥, I love you & I miss you many many ):

& Go away , stupid Danielle
Be smarter and love your Boyfriend better.

