W/C 9. Behind Your Mask.

Thh LadyLove.
When life hits you hard, hit it even harder.
Tell you the truth i lost my faith in you
Dating with Boyf (:
Sunday, October 17, 2010 AT 3:26:00 AM ★
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A moment like this,
Some people wait a lifetime.
For a moment like this,
Some people search forever for that one special kiss
Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me

Dating with Boyf♥ (Y)
Yay, I am a happy babe! :> B'coz I got two dating session with Boyf♥ for two consecutive days! Happy to the max (: Hehe, so therefore I am going to blog about it. :D Was supposed to do so on Friday night but I was uber tired so I decided to do it tonight then watch Vampire Diaries then off to Bed :D Well, happy me! :P Hmm, I've been working for this whole week, I think you saw my 1st day of IAP, 3rd day of IAP & 4th day of IAP posts respectively! Been attached to Signet Technology Pte Ltd so yaaa. I didn't quite blog much cos was busy there ;D So therefore, I am here to update my dating session with Boyf♥. On the side note, I really hate this humid weather ): The source of my bad skin! *Curses to the max* Haha. Okay, let's head to my Dating Post :D

Friday, 15 Oct 2o1o
Wooo, it was Friday! && I am so l♥ving it, please! B'coz it is my FAVOURITE day of the week! :D & The first week of work is OVERRR! Hehe! Well that day, something supaa lame happened to me. I overslept and missed my stop, ended up in Simei MRT. Holyyyy! Thankfully, Boyf♥ called :x I trained back immediately & I reached workplace exactly at 9am! Omg, right? :x But honestly, I actually can reach ! :D I bought yummy Mr Bean's Soya Milk for myself, ♥♥ :D Awesome drink! :> Brighten up my day! :B Chiong-ed to office! :] Hehe, after that did my usual stuffs. OMG, calling start-ed! :x Took me supaaa longgg and loads of courage to call! I was damn paiseh! & I asked a lot of question to the employees there :/ Omg! :< Then that day, I released early ! So I can meet Boyf♥ early ;) Hehe, we agreed to go City Hall to meet up ;D Yay, I reached there first !! :P I waited for Boyf♥ awhile then soon after, he came alonggg! :] Then, we walk here and there. Sweetness to the max ((: Well, walk walk then we source for food! Guess what we eat? :o

We ate Burger King for dinner! Wanted to eat some chicken derh but it wasn't open ): Next time, ok Boyf♥ Then we were tempted to go some Ice Wash ;] Hehe, went to have our dinner. Boyf♥ got some spicy chicken meal, I got some turkey bacon meal. First time, Boyf♥ didn't mind me eating beef ;) & I am entitled to kiss him too ^3^ muahhhs, . After that, after much much consideration we decided to go for the Ice Wash. Boyf♥ is soooo panicky :x I don't know why! :] Then, we got our receipt and off to washhhhh :D Omgggg, I love the awesome shampoo. It is lime scented with menthol feeling. :D Japan shampoo! :] Supaaa shioook lahhh! I enjoyed myself there, chatted with the lady! She even put conditioner for me :D Hehe, but what's so cool is that we have to dry our hair ourselves and even style ourselves. Cool, uh? :) Hehe, had a wonderful wash before we continue walking! Boyf♥ was being such a cutie by buying me Yoghurt. He owned me Frolick, but he bought that for me. But to be honest, I don't like, so sour. I only like the rainbow coloured cereals.

Hehe, then we walked over to Durian Head to slackk && see the nice nice view ;) Woo, saw some thailand thingy! :3 Then we slack slack till 1o.45pm. Headed home after that. :> Omg ! Reach home around 11.20pm? :x First time so lateee! :C Hahaha but still, I love the dating session with Boyf♥ (Y)

Okay, I got photos! :> But still, I shall post it later :P In fact, I already posted one which is the photo on top! :3 I think its nice though~ Hehe, I saw upload more later :P Let me continue the next day!

Saturday, 16 Oct 2o1o
In fact, maybe this is not a dating with Boyf♥ but just a casual outing in the evening :D I woke up at 9.55am, 5 mins before my alarm rings LOL! Lame! Then, I went back to sleep another 15 mins then I text Boyf♥ after that. Hehe, about 10.3oam then I went to shower to go over Boyf♥'s house ^^ Hehe, Mum prepared laksa for us, Mum's laksa is the best :D Headed over there around 11.2oam. Jeez, I don't have enough sleep. Reached Tampines then went Tampines Mall to find Boyf♥ :D Saw him lerh, jiu off to walk awhile before heading to his house ;D Watched Mr Bean and eat Laksa. Played Night Club City & Cafe Life awhileeee! :B Then, we took a nap around 4pm like that :> Was pretty tired! Around 5plus, woke up by Boyf♥! :x Headed out with him around 6pm.

We went to Vivo City. :D Upon reaching, we went to source for yummy food! :] After much much decision, we decided to eat Ramen Ten. Boyf♥ treat me that ;D Yummy!! I ate Oyaku Ramen whereas Boyf♥ ate some spicy ramen :> {I forgot the name ;D then I got chicken karrage for side dish while Boyf♥ got 4 Season Tofu. Our drinks were Ice Green Tea :D They were quick and fast, then we got our meal. Yummyyyy! {: Had our meal full full, then headed over to find Zhenwen and Teck Yong :> Saw them already, we went downstairs. I bought Yigloo ! :D While I buy Boyf♥ some pork and mushroom ^_^ Hehe, got our food already! Then off to the top and slackkk! :> We bullied Zhenwen cos 17th Oct is his 21st birthday!

He hates HOT AND SPICY things.
Then we forced him to eat, he was supaaaa red!!! OMGG! :x Then, we slacked there till 10.15pm :] Had loads of fun, of course! Hope all things went well~ Reached home around 11.15pm again! Then went to shower. I hate the HUMID weather! )): Sucks like hell! Time for photos!

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The Yoghurt Boyf♥ buy me :D

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The closest to my heart ;D

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This is my FAVOURITE photo~

End of 15 October photos!

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Our Main Course :>

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Our Side Dish :>

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Our Drinks ; Ice Green Tea :>

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Our delicious and shioooook meals !!! :>

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Currently, I am still thinking 'Should I' or 'Should I not'. :/ Oh well! Stressed arh! :< Haiish, just gotta see how. Cos I really don't know!! Rawr! :-(( Okay, need to go and think! Lol, tomorrow I am so going to spam my sleep! :D I am uber tired! Physically drained of energyyyy! OMGG! Okay that sucks like hell! I must whine,
I really hate lorh. :< Okay suuuucks TO THE MAX! I wonder why is it sooo hot )): But before that, I got a good news. I got photos of my Second Yearsaryyyy!! Shall upload to Facebook :D hehe, okay! Off I am going already!

& Whatever decision I make,
I really hope everything is fine.
I am really afraid if I make a yes or not,
Things will never go right anymore.
I know I don't understand what feelings you have,
But honestly, I want to say no but I am worried too.
I really don't know should I or should I not..
I don't wish anything wrong to happen, I hate it!

